42 Emojis that start with K

The list of 42 Emojis that start with K  in their English Unicode names.

When the former uppermost tax collector opened the 🚪 Door with the 🔑 Key, the Emoji wanted to check several tax returns with his 🔬 Microscope.
He sat down on his valuable chair and began his control. In a tax declaration of a stingy Emoji with roots from ♃ Jupiter he found a big Latin letter 🇰. The tax collector took his 🔍 Left-Pointing Magnifying Glass because he wanted to analyze it. That Emoji went to the window for light to come on the letter.
After 1820 seconds the Latin letter 🇰 started to talk to tax collector. It told of a big and peaceful demonstration against income taxes in 9 months in Poop Emoji.
The former most hated Emoji wanted to know who was going to win. 🇰 reacted with 🤫 Shushing Face. The uppermost tax collector asked for details of the demonstration.
The Latin letter 🇰 showed on the 🔬 Microscope small excerpts from the video 💯 Emojis.
Before Latin letter 🇰 disappeared, the title of the future demonstration appeared on the front page of a tax return: "Moneymaking is no crime".

😁 Smiley

1. 😗 Kissing Face 

Kissing Face

2. 😙 Kissing Face with Smiling Eyes

Wife Of Devil Emoji

3. 😚 Kissing Face with Closed Eyes

Kissing Face with Closed Eyes


👫 Human

4. 💏 Kiss


5. 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 kiss: woman, man

6. 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨 kiss: man, man

7. 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 kiss: woman, woman


👅 Body Parts

8. 💋 Kiss Mark



👚 Clothing

9. 👘 Kimono



🐦&🐌 Animals and Insects

10. 🐨 Koala


11. 🦘 Kangaroo


12. 😽 Kissing Cat Face

Kissing Cat Face With Closed Eyes


🍇 Fruits and Vegetables

13. 🥝 Kiwi Fruit

Kiwi Fruit


🎋 Japanese signs

14. 🔪 Kitchen Knife

Kitchen Knife


Religious Symbols

15. 🕋 Kaaba



🔧 Tools

16. 🔑 Key



💾 High-Tech

17. Keyboard



🚂 Transport

18. 🛴 Kick Scooter

Kick Scooter


💯 Number

19. #️⃣ Keycap: # (Hashtag)

Keycap: #

20. *️⃣    Keycap: * (Asterisk)

Keycap: *

21. 0️⃣ Keycap: 0

Keycap: 0

22. 1️⃣ Keycap: 1

Keycap: 1

23. 2️⃣ Keycap: 2

Keycap: 2

24. 3️⃣ Keycap: 3

Keycap: 3

25. 4️⃣ Keycap: 4

Keycap: 4

26. 5️⃣ Keycap: 5

Keycap: 5

27. 6️⃣ Keycap: 6

Keycap: 6

28. 7️⃣ Keycap: 7

Keycap: 7

29. 8️⃣ Keycap: 8

Keycap: 8

30. 9️⃣ Keycap: 9

Keycap: 9

31. 🔟 Keycap 10

Keycap 10


32. 🇰🇪 Kenya


33. 🇰🇬 Kyrgyzstan


34. 🇰🇭 Cambodia


35. 🇰🇮 Kiribati


36. 🇰🇲 Comoros


37. 🇰🇳 St. Kitts & Nevis

Saint Kitts And Nevis

38. 🇰🇵 North Korea

North Korea

39. 🇰🇷 South Korea

South Korea

40. 🇰🇼 Kuwait


41. 🇰🇾 Cayman Islands

Cayman Islands

42. 🇰🇿 Kazakhstan



Why are Cambodia, Comoros, St. Kitts & Nevis, North Korea, South Korea and Cayman Islands listed under the Latin letter K?

Every flag has two letters. The first letter of those flags starts with 🇰.



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Emoji: Everything You Need To Know About Them


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