74 Emojis that start with L

The list of 74 Emojis that start with L  in their English Unicode names.

On a Friday an employee from the Secret Service wanted to check if the place of the formula of the laughter in Laughing Emoji was 🔒 Locked according to regulations. For this purpose, the Emoji had to use an outdated model of 🚂 Locomotive. During the journey, it had to brake several times for some unexplainable reasons.
Suddenly a big 🦁 Lion Face appeared. It swallowed the 🚂 Locomotive. After 45 seconds it landed in the garage of the city centre in Heart Emoji.
The famous 🦲 Bald Emoji greeted the visitors from the unknown time. The driver and the employee wanted to know how to return to their time.
Nevertheless, they were very curious. They wanted to meet other historical Emojis. The Bald Emoji told them that he was famous enough.
The driver remembered an examination question from the history lesson. There was the question: Who drew the famous city symbol The two Emojis wanted a 🤳 Selfie with Bald Emoji. At that second they forgot that they should return to their time. On that day they met the future talented 😷 Doctor and politician Heart Emoji who visited the Bald Emoji in the garage. They wanted to go to the station together. The depressed Moustache Emoji spent the time there.
There was a 🌈 Rainbow outside. The employee from the Secret Service and the driver disappeared in it and returned to their time. There they found a list of Unicode Emojis that started with the Latin letter 🇱.

😁 Smiley

1. 😭 Loudly Crying Face 

Sad Face Emoji

2. 🤥 Lying Face

Lying Face


👅 Body Parts

3. 🦵 Leg



4. 🦵🏻  leg: light skin tone

5. 🦵🏼  leg: medium-light skin tone

6. 🦵🏽  leg: medium skin tone

7. 🦵🏾  leg: medium-dark skin tone

8. 🦵🏿  leg: dark skin tone

9. 🤛 Left-Facing Fist

Left-Facing Fist


10. 🤛🏻  left-facing fist: light skin tone

11. 🤛🏼  left-facing fist: medium-light skin tone

12. 🤛🏽  left-facing fist: medium skin tone

13. 🤛🏾  left-facing fist: medium-dark skin tone

14. 🤛🏿  left-facing fist: dark skin tone

15. 🤟 Love-You Gesture

Love-You Gesture


16. 🤟🏻  love-you gesture: light skin tone

17. 🤟🏼  love-you gesture: medium-light skin tone

18. 🤟🏽  love-you gesture: medium skin tone

19. 🤟🏾  love-you gesture: medium-dark skin tone

20. 🤟🏿  love-you gesture: dark skin tone


💘 Hearts

21. 💌 Love Letter

Love Letter


🐾 Different

22. 🗨 Left Speech Bubble

Left Speech Bubble


💆 Body Care and Cosmetics

23. 💄 Lipstick



🐦&🐌 Animals and Insects

24. 🦁 Lion Face

Lion Face

25. 🐆 Leopard


26. 🦙 Llama


27. 🦎 Lizard


28. 🦞 Lobster


29. 🐞 Ladybug



🌲 Plants

30. 🍃 Leaf Fluttering In Wind

Leaf Fluttering In Wind


👚 Clothing

31. 🥼 Lab Coat

Lab Coat


🍇 Fruits and Vegetables

32. 🍋 Lemon


33. 🥬 Leafy Green

Leafy Green


🍳 Food and Drink

34. 🍭 Lollipop



🚂 Transport

35. 🚂 Locomotive


36. 🚈 Light Rail

Light Rail


🔧 Tools

37. 🔗 Link


38. 🖇 Linked Paperclips

Linked Paperclips

39. 🔒 Locked


40. 🔏 Locked With Pen

Locked With Pen

41. 🔐 Locked With Key

Locked With Key

42. 🛅 Left Luggage

Left Luggage

43. 🧳 Luggage


44. 🧴 Lotion Bottle

Lotion Bottle


💾 High-Tech

45. 💡 Light Bulb

Light Bulb

46. 💻 Personal Computer (Laptop Computer)

Personal Computer

47. 📢 Loudspeaker



🎼 Music

48. 🎚 Level Slider

Level Slider



49. Last Track Button

Last Track Button


👫 Human

50. 🚮 Litter (Litter in bin sign)



💰 Money and Paper

51. 📒 Ledger


52. 🏷 Label



🌈 Geography and Weather

53. 🌗 Last Quarter Moon

Last Quarter Moon

54. 🌜 Last Quarter Moon Face

Last Quarter Moon With Face


🎆 Entertainment

55. 🥍 Lacrosse



Religious Symbols

56. Latin Cross

Latin Cross



57. Left Arrow

Left Arrow

58. Left-Right Arrow

Left-Right Arrow

59. Left Arrow Curving Right

Left Arrow Curving Right


Astrological signs

60. Leo


61. Libra




62. 🔶 Large Orange Diamond

Large Orange Diamond

63. 🔷 Large Blue Diamond

Large Blue Diamond


64. 🇱🇦 Laos


65. 🇱🇧 Lebanon


66. 🇱🇨 St. Lucia

St. Lucia

67.  🇱🇮 Liechtenstein


68. 🇱🇰 Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka

69. 🇱🇷 Liberia


70. 🇱🇸 Lesotho


71. 🇱🇹 Lithuania


72. 🇱🇺 Luxembourg


73. 🇱🇻 Latvia


74. 🇱🇾 Libya



Why are St. Lucia and 🇱🇰 Sri Lanka listed under the Latin letter L?

Every flag has two letters. The first letter of those flags starts with 🇱.



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Emoji: Everything You Need To Know About Them


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