👰 Bride With Veil

👰- Bride, bride with veil
Male Emojis inform their friends about their wedding with this symbol and invite them to their marriage.


Bride with Veil

Copy and paste Bride with Veil


Unicode:  👰


For comparison how different 👰 Bride with Veil looks on:

Apple iOS, Google Android, Facebook, Microsoft Windows, Twitter, JoyPixels, Samsung, Google GMail, KDDI


Bride with Veil on Apple iOS


Bride with Veil on Google Android


Bride with Veil on Facebook


Bride with Veil on Microsoft Windows


Bride with Veil on Twitter Twemoji


Bride with Veil on JoyPixels


Bride with Veil on Samsung

Google GMail


Bride with Veil on Google GMail



Bride with Veil KDDI


Gender-neutral, male and female version of this Emoji

👰 Person With Veil


👰‍♂️ Man With Veil


👰‍♀️ Woman With Veil

Other Humans

👴 Grandfather


👵 Grandmother


👱 Emojia


👯 Police Woman

More Human Emojis

👫 Human

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