❺ Dingbat Negative Circled Digit Five

❺- Dingbat Negative Circled Digit Five, number 5, fifth
The famous Heart Emoji used the ❺ symbol as synonym for five fingers. When Emojis got their first new coins was the ❺ Dingbat Negative Circled Digit Five on the coin with the number 5 thereon. Before Scary Clown started to dream of the new big country, he wrote a plan with ❺ goals. One day returned an Emoji home and saw his bill from the tax authority: ❺❺❺. He had to pay 555 local Bitcoins into the stingy 👄 Mouth of the tax authority. He reacted 😬.
In communication use Emojis this symbol for the number five.


Dingbat Negative Circled Digit Five

Copy and paste Dingbat Negative Circled Digit Five

Unicode:  ❺


💯 Hundred Points


🔢 Input Numbers


Dingbat Negative Circled Digit One


Dingbat Negative Circled Digit Two


Dingbat Negative Circled Digit Three


Dingbat Negative Circled Digit Four


Dingbat Negative Circled Digit Six


Dingbat Negative Circled Digit Seven


Dingbat Negative Circled Digit Eight


Dingbat Negative Circled Digit Nine


Dingbat Negative Circled Digit Ten

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