🙅 Educator

🙅- Educator, No, balanced
On planet Earth means this symbol: No
For Emojis symbolises this gesture an educator. The first dictator did this live on state 📺 Television to motivate the lazy spectators to learn the new laws of their country.
A lot of teachers and other educators send this symbol to lazy students. Doctors use this symbol to balance the lifestyle of their patients.


Person Gesturing NO

Copy and paste Person Gesturing NO


Unicode:  🙅


For comparison how different 🙅 Educator looks on:

Apple iOS, Google Android, Facebook, Microsoft Windows, Twitter, JoyPixels, Samsung, Google GMail, Softbank, KDDI


Educator on Apple iOS


Educator on Google Android


Educator on Facebook


Educator on Microsoft Windows


Educator on Twitter Twemoji


Educator on JoyPixels


Educator on Samsung

Google GMail


Educator on Google GMail



Educator on Softbank



Educator KDDI


Gender-neutral, male and female version of this Emoji

🙅 Person Gesturing NO


🙅‍♂️ Man Gesturing NO


🙅‍♀️ Woman Gesturing NO


Other Humans

🙋 Greeting


🙌 Goodbye


🙆 Okay


🙎 Fearful

More Human Emojis

👫 Human

Search for other Meanings of Emojis

on Emoji Dictionary or


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