⛉ Turned White Shogi Piece

⛉- Turned White Shogi Piece, Japanese chess
Opponents of the first dictator had to see very often the ⛉ Turned White Shogi Piece because they lost against the first elected dictator during the electioneering with other candidates for dictatorship in Japanese chess. The first dictator liked the ⛉ symbol because he regularly won against them. An Emoji who examined the times of the election of the first dictator found out that the ⛉ Turned White Shogi Piece was responsible for the defeat of other candidates in the first elections after the death of the last Horror Clown.
In communication use Emojis this symbol for turned white shogi piece.


Turned White Shogi Piece

Copy and paste Turned White Shogi Piece

Unicode:  ⛉


White Shogi


Japanese Chess


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