♧ White Club Suit

♧- White Club Suit
One day thought an Emoji how he could avoid his own signature on the tax declaration. He found his playing cards. Among them was the ♧ White Club Suit.
Later he ordered a special stamp which could make the ♧ White Club Suit on a paper. An employee of the tax authority noticed the ♧ White Club Suit instead of a signature. She asked her boss (the most hated Emoji and the uppermost tax collector) what she should do with this tax return. Her boss commanded to send tax collectors who had to threaten the taxable Emoji. The most hated Emoji commanded to arrest him because of the ♧ White Club Suit instead of the signature.
Other Emojis used ♧ White Club Suit in their card games.
In communication use Emojis this symbol for white club suit.


White Club Suit

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Unicode:  ♧


Spade Suit


Club Suit


Heart Suit


Diamond Suit


White Spade Suit


White Heart Suit


White Diamond Suit

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