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Aliens throw cucumber soups plate

Soup ingredients are at a crossing in the Upper Plate twenty passengers cucumbers have thrown off the soup, because these were cucumbers. The police of the plate country arrested 67 extraterrestrials. 🌕🈶🍖↗️🍽🥫🍽🚓😡🥒🥫🚽🚯🅰️🥒🌕🍏🍵🅰️⛑🍖🧻↗️🥏🈶💁🤚🚓🕌➕🍖🅰💛🎌🤚🍏🍵🥫🍽🚷🈶🍏🖕🍵.
After this generous help of different planets, the hope rises on Saturn to a significant improvement in the situation with the next cases with the soup plates.



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