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424 days ago this station was founded in a bunker. The aim was to find out about various events during 1404 minutes. In Emoji are looking to that station, who is interested about the situation in Emoji Pop. This city was conquered by the Salted Cucumbers days ago about 777 aircraft. That was the main reason for the establishment of the station. Poisonous Snake tries to influence the news in his favor since the founding of the transmitter. He wants to say again and again that it was justified to take away the city's Emojis. Finally, the security of salted cucumbers is much more important than the size of Emoji. The salted cucumbers want to spy on the circus country by conquering Emoji Pop. Poisonous Snake admitted in the period before the conquest of Emoji Pop to have 🤡🪦🥒👑🧔👿☁️🪨⛈️🥒⚰🥒🤴😈❣🌂.



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