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Group employment contract in Emoji

Before the beginning of the working day of the lawyers in the legislation of the kingdom Emoji an assigned counsel from Emoji Keyboard wanted to book a table for his colleagues and himself in a restaurant. The phone customer was a waiter from Japanese Emoji. He got this employment because his predecessor organised a long-standing memorial service to the death of the last Horror Clowns for sad Emojis. So the boss of the restaurant looked for a new employee for customer inquiries. Because of the lack of time an Emoji with Japanese knowledge was employed in the capital city. The boss of the restaurant did not notice that his representative employee was able to do no Emoji L language. The employee from Japanese Emoji worked before as a waste fisherman of the yellow sea. 😀🥫👥🛑🐶➡️👤. This time a waiter answered the phone in Emoji Meaning.
The lawyer was glad that he reached, finally, an understanding employee in another restaurant of the capital. 👤👩🛠️👤👩⬅️🐱➕👋👤👩💔🆗❓️#️⃣7️⃣!❓️👶❌️🚘️💺👤👩➡️👥➕➡️👥🔙🚘️💺➕🆗#️⃣8️⃣ 🪨🚚➕💺. 🧗➕➡️👉️👌1️⃣.. Thus he wanted to prepare for the today's subject. The assigned counsel felt uncontrolled hunger. This time that's why he ordered by a sure phone connection two megabytes of cheese of a Star. The cheese steeped in tradition was produced in Star Emoji still at times before the birth of the most famous citizen of the town.
As an address of delivery he gave his job with the gathered Emojis.
At this time two monks began the new day in Heart Eyes Emoji with their day prayer. Two religious lawyers visited the amusing house together before the departure to their job. Suddenly an official from the mightiest tax authority of Poop Emoji appeared in the amusing house. There many Emojis laughed together with other believers. The official interrupted the laughter of the Emojis with a loud noise. 🎭️🎡*️⃣❌️*️⃣ 👀👤👩💄👤👩⬅️. 🌝🍦❌️⚙️👤👨⬅️🥎🎮️➕👤👨➕☠️. 👀🍽️🎳🥣§🎳🥄🚘️🪟3️⃣. 😁🥛🎳. ➡️👤👶🧷🅿️. ➡️👤🥫🗣️☎️👀⬇️👉️👌☎️⬆️🛣️.
Which duties have Emojis in a group employment contract?
An alien from the Uranus who rented a common house for commercial purposes in Alien Emoji together with other aliens and Emojis wanted to know this.
The assigned counsel from Emoji Keyboard said: ❌️🚘️👎️🥫⏳️. 👉️👌🚘️➕➡️❤️👀. 💂👀💡💂😂. Another alien from Alien Emoji wanted to ask a little bit by telephone. The telephone line was interrupted. The responsible engineer explained to the Emojis and the lawyer that the problem could not be solved so fast. That's why the discussion had to be finished in the legislation early.


Collective agreement in the country of the Emojis

Story: Collective agreement in the country of the Emojis

Disabled employment contract in Emoji

Story: Disabled employment contract in Emoji



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