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How Emojis protected their water sources

After the last adventures the first dictator had more time for other problems of the country. Thus he commanded to his subordinated employees all mailboxes to count nationally. Why wanted the ruler to know the number of the mailboxes of Emoji?
After the return from the wall clock the Minister of Finance became a little more lazy. So he wanted to make sure that mailmen should bring once the tax returns to the Emojis. At this second several tax returns were prepared for the next weeks. In the town of the photocopiers Emoji Copy Paste several million tax returns were printed in short time. On the same day the mailmen were asked to bring these tax returns to the taxable Emojis.
On the way to Emoji Pop a very strong rain began. 👮📞👥🧱⌚⬅️❌️💡1️⃣ 👤☔🏚🕳💬🪨, 👤🤝👤👨‍🎓️🛠️❌️👤🤥👨⬅️🤠➕💖1️⃣ 💬🖕👤. The first dictator contacted several theoretical professors for water from the university town Emoji List. He commanded to search for them in the middle of the night a theoretical solution for the water protection. 👽✈️😍🇮🇱🔙🌈👥🧾⬅️✈️2️⃣ 💺🧑‍💼💬. It was winter. Emojis used electricity for warming of their rooms. Other professors recommended another procedure. 🤭✈️🌂🔙⛄🆕2️⃣ .
🥳💺🧑‍💼⚡🚰💛🇮🇱. 🤫✈️🤡✈️🇮🇱🔙🇮🇷🕵🆕✈️2️⃣ 🦲. 😬🍍🇮🇱💺🧑‍💼💺💋✈️🎬. 🗣️👽3️⃣3️⃣0️⃣ 🛹👃7️⃣0️⃣. 🌊😦✈️🗣️🧱⌚❓️🇮🇱⬇️🚰🛋️💺🏤🥭🎟️. The dirtied water could be used for fires. After some time an assigned counsel from Star Emoji called the first dictator. 😂✈️🗣️🇮🇱🆕1️⃣2️⃣ ➕🙃🌊➕📕✈️🎃. 👨‍✈️🔙🗽🌐💬✈️👥⬅️🇨🇦➕😈🆕. Instead of the code he used the state television. There he told his plans for the water supply.

The return of the Emojis from their adventures in the wall clock

Story: The return of the Emojis from their adventures in the wall clock

The failed preparations to the first parliamentary elections in Emoji

Story: The failed preparations to the first parliamentary elections in Emoji



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