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How many Emojis are there in the world?

A clerk of the court wanted to meet his occupational colleagues in a restaurant in Emoji Meanings. During his journey through the city he saw several Emojis who blocked the highway. Finally, they demonstrated exceptionally not by too much dust in the city or appointment of their area the capital of Emoji, but directed Emojis their fury against lazy authorities. The reason was the closing of the biggest garbage dump of the city. Many Emojis and local aliens threw ostentatiously on several important highways their rubbish. So most drivers and transporters had to use smaller streets for their ways through in the city. 😁➕👤👩🪒2️⃣0️⃣ 🍑😂. While Emojis ate a vegetarian burger, an alien programmed at least 20 Emojis for Android in Uranus after his successful final examination with the informatics professor Setag Lib daily.
Suddenly an angel flew in the room of the diligent programmer and sat down on his head.😃➕🪒. 😄🪒➕➡️. 🤣🍾🪥🛁➡️👤, 🪴😲🪥. 😄⬅️⚙️💭1️⃣. 😆🏘️🪥➕😅➕😉❌️🪥. 💩⬆️🪥🌊➕⚫️➕⤵️. After the reassurance of the situation the ruler could concentrate upon the strange book about Emojis. He did not want to discuss the subject in the restaurant. Instead, all lawyers were invited to Heart Eyes Emoji by the dictator. There analyzed Emojis together with the local monks the contents of the book. They started to add several figures with each other. Thus they came all together on the number: 7,777,777,777 Emojis.
A monk tried to explain this to other Emojis: 😊➕🏯⬆️🔍️➕⏳️💬🎁➡️. 😍⬆️🔥🌡️🌊➕1️⃣5️⃣ . ➡️👤⤵️🔙1️⃣5️⃣ ⬆️➡️🥰👤👀. ➡️😚👤🥫. Thus he sent several smaller slips of paper with the help of his programming directly to the Emojis at different places of the state. A slip of paper landed on the table of an accountant of the mightiest and stingiest tax authority in Poop Emoji.
The accountant started to look at the strange slip of paper and to peruse. He found the following sentences: In the original native country of the Emojis these will be nearly 60 millions. On the planets of the solar system a total of 99,999,999,999 Emojis will live. Once some people will express the wish that they would like to become Emojis. That's why some doctors will offer operations to the change of the people in Emojis. 🧑‍⚖️👥⬅️🥇👥🤩⬅️. 🥇⏱️🪥➕⚙️➕1️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ . Thus studied astronomers noticed in Emoji List that by a special programming on every single planet of the Trappist 1 system nearly 1,111,111,111 other Emojis would live. After astronomers were demanded too much by these calculations, they asked mathematicians for help. The specialists for numbers took all formulae from their pockets. Moreover, they used special pocket calculators for the calculation of the number all Emojis. The problem was clearly evident for mathematicians and ended with the following word in the screen: ⏱️🔅❌️👥⬅️🥫❗️😀💷❌️🙄. In the interim Emojis forgot the whole discussion about 🥇⏱️🧤➕🤣❌️🪢👜✋⚙️👤⬅️🐾➕🍰☠️🙏🍦🐾👎️👦💕🐾➡️👤🐾🔟⬇️🛋️5️⃣ 🐾🔂➕🦶😀 Emojis.


Is it a Poop Emoji or ice cream?

Story: Is it a Poop Emoji or ice cream?

When was Emoji created?

Story: When was Emoji created?



Any suggestions?  




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