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Like Emoji

Like Emoji was born 14696 days ago in Emoji Copy Paste. Like Emoji eats in his spare time regularly dandelions. Like Emoji was kidnapped at the age of 3333 days by several aliens from the Saturn. Saturn aliens wanted to make several researches in Like Emoji. He was locked up in a Saturn's lab. There it was especially cold. Like Emoji shouted because of fear. Researchers used him for research purposes. 👯‍♂️🤚🕌📆↪️🚋🧬🕌🚯🅰️🚽😛🤚🧬🍖🙅🚽🎁🤚🍖⏺📶🤙👭🤙👒💼🤚🚋🅰️🚽🦹‍♀️🥽👭🤚🏣🧬. Later his stingy friend from the Jupiter returned to Emoji Copy Paste.

In the meantime, Like Emoji also wanted to finish a shortened degree of the jurisprudence in Emoji Opinion. That's why he had to leave his hometown and the founded enterprise for some time. ➕😀➕👤⬅️↪️🧬👨❌️👀🛠️👤💬👨⬅️📈🆕👤💬🧬💆‍♀️👍️➕💆‍♀️➕💆‍♀️👀➕👂️➕⬅️🎁.

After this discussion the uppermost judge decided to lock up the miser in a prison in Emoji Meaning for 886 days. 😛🚯⏯🚯📒🆘.
After he apologized publicly, he got as a gift together with a big applause also several dandelions. By his 14666 life days Like Emoji was pelted by his fellow members with forty different apple kinds. At least, he could admit that he knew not all apple kinds.



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