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Saturn short stories

After every Saturn short story is a short description or summary about the content. Happy Reading!

The interview about first ascent of Saturn's rings

Story: The interview about first ascent of Saturn's rings

Process against June Who

Story: Process against June Who

Meteor TPN sweeps over the moon

Story: Meteor TPN sweeps over the moon

Drinking nine liters of soft drink and the consequences thereof

Story: Drinking nine liters of soft drink and the consequences thereof

Chips Conquerors was an emperor

Story: Chips Conquerors was an emperor

The life of the actor Satan Devil

Story: The life of the actor Satan Devil

Defendant shoots judge before court Saturn's

Story: Defendant shoots judge before court Saturn's

Tongue Cleaner is an important product in the lives of extraterrestrials

Story: Tongue Cleaner is an important product in the lives of extraterrestrials

Aliens throw cucumber soups plate

Story: Aliens throw cucumber soups plate

Dog Breeds founds a new TV channel

Story: Dog Breeds founds a new TV channel

The record apple eater Good Bye from Saturn in Interview

Story: The record apple eater Good Bye from Saturn in Interview

Singer Pest Control wants the spotlight back

Story: Singer Pest Control wants the spotlight back

Interview with the city programmer Anti Malware from Saturn 

Story: Interview with the city programmer Anti Malware from Saturn

Mr. Credit Card is one of the most successful lenders in Saturn

Story: Mr. Credit Card is one of the most successful lenders in Saturn

Biography of supreme head of the credit company from the Saturn Credit Card

Story: Biography of supreme head of the credit company from the Saturn Credit Card






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