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Protection of the tenants against abusive demands of the stingy renter

Two Emojis with Jupiter's roots could earn after the death of the last Horror Clowns by a pyramid system a lot of money. They flew to Jupiter and bought several buildings in the biggest town of the Jupiter. 🦊📅⬅️➕💬👤👨🎁👤👩⬅️🏨🕴️🌝.
In comparison to their activity in Jupiter these Emojis themselves showed big understanding for the fight against the stinginess of the renters in the kingdom Emoji. Thus both Emojis made friends with the gathered lawyers on a hungry day. 👤🎭️➕1️⃣ 📅🧩👫. Lawyers praised these Emojis. Some lawyers just from Emoji Meaning trusted these Emojis by the purchase of recommended shares.
Both Emojis sold, actually, shares of dead companies. What were these companies in detail?
Emojis call dead company an enterprise which was put down in the book of the enterprises of the country as a company. However, then none or only very much few shops was explained by the company. Many investors founded such enterprises at the times of the existence of the mighty tax authorities for the purpose of the mistake. Nevertheless, the mightiest tax authority in Poop Emoji could find out such companies with its special microscope. 🧩✍️👤👩👤🤝👤🆕➕.
The next day the defender from Crying Laughing Emoji woke up 30 minutes later. He took the wrong pocket with the other contents than he planned. On the working way the defender sat down in the middle of the train. Beside him sat both Emojis who sponsored the day before the dinner of the lawyers. 👥⬅️➡️➕✈️🔙🆕🏙️👀▶️, 👤👩💬.
Thereon would shout many Emojis: What an arrogance!!!
After some time the train came in the aim. The defender went to his occupational colleagues.
Before the working beginning the main lawyer of the present Emojis required identity card proof. Most lawyers could prove their identity.
When does a rent be valid as abusive in the kingdom Emoji?
An assistant of the former judge on the chalkboard took down this question. In addition notary public from Japanese Emoji expressed himself: 🦊💬👀▶️👤👩⬅️➕➡️1️⃣ .
On account of this discussion aliens from the Uranus wanted to interfere. They asked: When rents are not valid in the country of the Emojis as abusive?
An accuser from Emoji Art answered this: 👤⬅️👥👤👩💬. 💖➕👥⬅️.
When stingy aliens from the Jupiter heard the last sentence, they drew a deep breath so loud that some Emojis supposed earthquake.
The main lawyer wanted to write something in the code of the kingdom Emoji:
§ The rent always amounts to 1/1200 of the topical market value of the rental object per month.
After this formulation reacted many Emojis and also aliens from the Mercury with big satisfaction. Finally, many aliens from Mercury tenants of immovable were in the country of the Emojis.
Can the renter fix an appointment for rent increase obligingly in the rental contract?
An alien from the Saturn wanted to know this. To this question said a lawyer: In the rent contract this can seem, but the tenant can let to explain this point at the court for invalid. Grounds: The renter uses the situation of the tenant shamelessly. Moreover, it could concern of an abuse.
When can the renter increase the rent?
Many Emojis asked this in their reading letters. In addition a lawyer from Emoji App said: 👤⬅️👤👩🏨🕴️🌝👧⤵️. Moreover, these renters complained that they can undertake nothing against their growing stinginess. They explained that they were born thus. The judge from Emoji List recommended a therapy for the lowering or massive restriction of the growing stinginess to these renters.
At this time a representative of the tenant's association came to the room of the gathered lawyers and required another law of the protection of the tenants. Under the pressure of the presence of the representative of the organisation Emojis had to write something.
§ The tenant's association may exactly examine every rent increase and investigate the reasons for it. For this purpose interested tenants should contact at the tenant's association themselves.
§ During the protest on the part of the tenant is valid the present rental contract.
With this law an association got for the first time own law in the history Emojis.
After that all members of the rent association applauded the courageous lawyers for the law.
Many Emojis with stingy roots trembled because of fear. Then they raised their stinginess and required an exception for their economic town Emoji Meaning. That's why were increased rents in this town quite uncontrollably.
Suddenly lawyers heard very strong wind. Several trees lost their colored sheets. Outdoors would shout eager Emojis: Autumn!!!
In this positive event the main lawyer decided the ending of the day meeting with his occupational colleagues.


In which state must the tenant return the thing in Emoji?

Story: In which state must the tenant return the thing in Emoji?

Protection against unlawful dismissal with the rent of living rooms in Emoji and the barking of a dog

Story: Protection against unlawful dismissal with the rent of living rooms in Emoji and the barking of a dog



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