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The confidential introduction of the general tax duty for Emojis

Hardly the new year began, the first dictator commanded to march through to the army with several Emojis in the wood of Middle Finger Emoji. There was nothing more uncomfortable, than to march in the snow-covered wood during several hours. The aim of the first dictator was to prepare Emojis better for their function as military tax collectors. Thus soldiers were surprised after 11 hours in the aim. There several masseurs waited for these Emojis. Moreover, Emojis were fed by professional cooks with clean hands. As if this was not enough, the first dictator stood before tired Emojis and congratulated them for their staying power. 🤩❌️➡️👥💖💭💍➕😒. The first dictator appointed this time the uppermost tax collector from Poop Emoji quite officially to the Minister of Finance of Emoji. The military Emojis had to question all tax payers with a questionnaire about their finances. The new Minister of Finance commanded the equipment of an important second placed tax authority in the town of the thrift Emoji Meaning. Worked out near the reconstructed stock exchange the tax authority had to originate. 💩⚓💰🚪🆒🥇💭💍➕👤👨. 💩🛠️🎛️➕👣❗️💍. 👤⬅️💍🙏📛➕🚪⬆️👈️. 🧐➕😀➕📯❌️🤕👥⬅️👨‍⚖️. In the interim a former assigned counsel with his family spoke in Cute Emoji of the preparations for the introduction of the general tax duty for all Emojis.
He wanted to smuggle together with his family several valuables from his native country and several golden and copper coins through the yellow sea by Japanese Emoji. ➡️👤🤔👤🔕👨👤👩⬅️👆️1️⃣ . ➡️👤👥⬅️❌️🎧➕👥⬅️❌️🙏. ➡️🎸👤👀👥⬅️🩸. 😂❌️👤👨🤔👤🎉👨🗣️💩. 👤👨🔀🧐🛂🪨✂️⚙️. 👤😍👨🧪💎➕💆‍♀️2️⃣ 1️⃣4️⃣ 🧓📅3️⃣ ➕💡. More and more often he thought about the sapphire stone which his daughter dug out in the pear country. He wanted to drive even specially because of this stone. One day thus he went to Emoji Symbols. He wanted to go by another route to his hiding place. Later he renounced. 💩👂️👤💰👨😷🧩💩. ➡️⚓💰👤💍⏱️➕👤👩❌️🎭️🧑🥫, ❌️🦲🔎🛒🗣️➕🥶💭. Other duties became second-rate after the introduction of the tax duty. In the mass media the huge project of the ship tunnel was presented in the best form. Many Emojis reacted positively to this idea. In reality the dictator used this idea as a justified excuse for high taxes.

The year transition of the Emojis

Story: The year transition of the Emojis

Presentation of the first tax return the Emojis by the Minister of Finance

Story: Presentation of the first tax return the Emojis by the Minister of Finance



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