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The return of four high-ranking Emojis in their time zone

The Neptune's programmer ate popcorn and spontaneously decided to feed Emojis in the yellow space with popcorn. Thus he wrote several commands in his programme. After a short time appeared several bottles. Therein four Emojis discovered nearly 555 kilobytes in popcorn instead of a drink. The stingy alien from the Jupiter who was shifted before to the yellow space also wanted to eat popcorn. Thus the programmer sent him a bottle in the same size like for other Emojis. At this time the main lawyer started to reprove the informatics professor Setag Lib. 🔂🔆💻👽🔵🆓🇺🇳🏠️🔼➕🟡📯.
At this time several students of the economics visited their university in Emoji Meaning. There told a stock market juggler how one could handle in the future the problematic tax authority. Suddenly four Emojis were brought invisibly to the hall of the university together with the stingy alien.🏬➕🐕️‍🦺🆕➕➡️🍿👤🥫. 💩📃📛🚚➕➡️💡👤🙏📧👨‍🔬🔂🏘📧.
Several construction workers got to know by the reconstruction of the town from the strange return of the disappeared Emojis. That's why the news spread about their return even faster. The famous journalist Poop Emoticon documented the reconstruction after the earthquake. 😈📃🥊ℹ️💵❌️🗣️❓️💳️ℹ️. 🌬️😁💵💲0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ . 🔂👻➡️😂👤🔆🟢🏁🔼➕➡️😚👤📦️➡️🆕📃. Then suddenly appeared an unexpected alien from the Saturn. He saw several unknown Emojis and aliens in this movie. Then he saw a certain Gossip who came one day to Laughing Emoji. He was responsible for the system change to the first tax authority in the most amusing town of Emoji. Then he saw how he produced the first book from stones on that planet together with other aliens in Ceres. ➡️🤗👤📧📲📧👑🦠.
At this time fans of the first dictator celebrated the return of the ruler and the other Emojis. In the town of the freedom Emoji Free the population reacted very much disappointed about the return of the high-ranking Emojis. In particular the return of the haughtiest Minister of Finance annoyed the urban population so strongly that they searched a reason for a demonstration in their brains. ➡️🙄👤👥⬅️, 🚢🥇📦️🐕️‍🦺. ➡️😯👤👥⬅️🎖️📦️➡️💌🗣️❓️❌️⏳️. The future king Devil Emoji became the confidential friend of the first dictator. The future king simulated only big hatred for the first dictator for his friends. Finally, he knew after the adventure in the black hole that he was the ruler of Emoji anyway on the programme.

The aim of the Emojis

Story: The aim of the Emojis

Why Emojis demanded a limited partnership as an enterprise form

Story: Why Emojis demanded a limited partnership as an enterprise form



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