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Which duties have entrepreneurs in Emoji and the theft of the silvery key

The first snow fell in Sad Emoji. Some depressive Emojis took big pleasure in the first snow. Several aliens from the Uranus prepared for the forthcoming wintertime. Thus several skiing areas were opened. At this time six Emojis and their friends from Mars came to the skiing area of Sad Emoji. There were also guests from the Jupiter with Emojis from Emoji Meaning. Together they wanted to go skiing. First Emojis with the aliens had to deposit their valuables in a house wall. ➡️👤🌪️🐍#️⃣🔟🇦🇺❌️🤔♾️🐍⚙️➡️👤❌️🪝🐍.
Because the alien from the Jupiter was able to do no language of the Emojis, his friend from Emoji Meaning translated his problem. The owner of the company decided to send several employees of his company on the search for the disappeared key. Meanwhile, Saturn's aliens fled with their stolen goods in an unknown direction. They noticed sometime that they had a silvery key with themselves. However, nobody knew the purpose of the key. That's why the thieves drove to their good friends in Middle Finger Emoji. There lived several Emojis who maintained good relations with Saturn's aliens. This was valid as a tradition which reminded of the famous Saturn's entrepreneur.
When criminal aliens came with the Emojis, they asked for the help to the identification of the purpose of the silvery key.
Immediately eight Emojis examined the silvery key with their devices. Because in Middle Finger Emoji no vehicles were admitted, could help not a single one Emoji the thieves with the key. The Saturn's aliens were disappointed very much by their friends. Then they left this town. Suddenly an alien remembered two amusing Emojis with Saturn's roots in Crying Laughing Emoji.
They worked as a shoemakers on an old lane in the city centre. 👥➕❗️👎️. ➡️👤🙏➡️👤🥫🐍❣️🗣️. ➡️👤🥫🖼️🏥, ❌️⏱️🪝. Luckily only old newspapers were damaged by the fire. Partially the water was poured by the helicopter on Emojis and several trees. Thus the unconscious alien from the Saturn woke up after some time in the bushes. He looked for known personalities nearby. Later he was accused to have caused the fire in the business of the shoemakers and specific homicide of the other shoemaker. During his custody he explained to the uppermost policeman that his Saturn's colleagues came because of the silvery key to Crying Laughing Emoji. Thus his colleagues were also arrested. For Emojis and aliens the state was very strange that the unconscious shoemaker disappeared without a trace.
In this time the miser from the Jupiter was angry that he could not find his silvery key. Also the whole skiing area in Sad Emoji was intensely searched. Even other skiers looked voluntarily for the silvery key.
The gathered lawyers looked for well-chosen questions of Emojis. Finally, they wanted to fill the law book with good and sensible laws.
A judge from Cute Emoji wanted to regulate the relation between entrepreneur and his customer legally.
Which duties does entrepreneur have towards his customers?
The gathered lawyers nearly 124 minutes dealt with this question incessantly. Later agreed Emojis on the following principles:
§ ➡️👤👀👶🐦️, ➡️👤🥫⛏️⬆️➕🤕. ❌️🐦️⏱️❌️🙏👥⬅️. ❌️↪️👶🗣️➡️👥➕👶.
Stingy aliens from the Jupiter thanked the judge from Cute Emoji for the detailed and reasonable regulation of the enterprise activities in Emoji.
At this time the shoemaker from Crying Laughing Emoji looked for the vehicle whose silvery key he had with himself. Because this shoemaker only knew that this key came of a vehicle, he searched more intelligent Emojis in his surroundings. He visited a station where an office was of all phone numbers of the kingdom. There he paid 0.12 Bitcoins for his information. There he received several suppliers from Emoji List.
There he found a certified garage mechanic. ➡️👤🛠️➕➡️👤⛏️➡️👥⬆️. 📲❌️➡️👤. ❌️💜👥🔁, ❌️↪️👶➡️👥, ⚪️🤥⛏️⬆️💬. 💡💗⬆️🌲➕⬆️. 🌳🌲❌️📔🎬️🌪️. 👤👨⏳️▶️👤👨⬅️🌟👤👨1️⃣), 👤👨➕🛰️👤👨⬅️➡️👪️🛣️. In reality he dreamt about a better life beyond his business.
Thus he could look persuasive in eyes of the Emojis.
The stingy aliens from the Jupiter and aliens from Mars left Emoji. The gathered lawyers received a message that the silvery car key was found. Emojis reacted with big relief that they did not have to intervene this time juridical.


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Story: What happens if a robot kills an Emoji?

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