2 Emojis that start with Q

The list of 2 Emojis that start with Q in their English Unicode names.

An Emoji who visited the city centre of Heart Emoji wanted to buy something to eat. He went to the shop with Ⓜ Circled M.
There he found a product with ❓ Question Mark. The Emoji started to read the ingredients. At that second a ⛈ Thundershower began.
After 777 seconds the Emoji landed in 🇶🇦 Qatar. At that time people celebrated 🇶🇦 Qatar National Day. The Emoji did not understand where he was.
After 666 seconds the famous Bald Emoji landed in 🇶🇦 Qatar after he read the ingredients of the product with ❓ Question Mark. There he met the other Emoji who landed in 🇶🇦 Qatar before him. Suddenly locals noticed the two Emojis. The started to like the Bald Emoji because they felt something special in him.
The both Emojis hoped to return to Heart Emoji as soon as possible. Some people thought that the two Emojis fell from a 📱 Mobile Phone.  Those people tried to check in their 📱 Smartphones if there were two Emojis missing. When several people did this, they caused a 🌀 Cyclone that took them back to their city. After the two Emojis disappeared, the 📱 Smartphone users noticed a 🦘 Kangaroo in their Emoji ⌨ Keyboard.

Grammar and Mathematical

1. Question Mark

Question Mark


2. 🇶🇦 Qatar



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