5 Emojis that start with Y
The list of 5 Emojis that start with Y in their English Unicode names.
The most important Emoji among residents of the kingdom is their most talented politician and doctor who was responsible for the progress in the medicine and politics : The 💛 Yellow Heart.
1. 💛
Yellow Heart (The most famous politician who solved
the problem of the unemployment during automation by 🤖
Robots in Heart
Money and Paper
2. 💴
Yen Banknote (Japanese currency on planet Earth)
3. 🧶 Yarn
Religious Symbols
4. ☯
Yin and Yang (Chinese philosophy)
5. 🇾🇪 Yemen (Country in the Western Asia)
One day
Emojis realized that they would have to pay income taxes,
even though the state is the only one allowed to produce 💰
Money, that was incomprehensible to hard-working
Emojis. That's why they started a demonstration against
income taxes and all direct taxes. Emojis wanted that the central
🏦 Bank
should have the ♾
Infinity amount of digital money to replace direct taxes.
The famous demonstration took place in Poop
Emoji on 15th of July:
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The list of 26 Heart Emoji with their meanings
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