Food and Drink Emojis- The list of all meanings and definitions 🍔 Hamburger 🍕 Pizza 🍖 Bone-In Meat 🍗 Poultry Leg 🍙 Onigiri 🍚 Congee 🍛 Curry Rice 🍜 Steaming Bowl 🍝 Spaghetti 🍞 Bread 🍟 Chips 🍠 National Bread 🍡 Dango 🍢 Oden 🍣 Sushi 🍤 Fried Prawn 🍥 Narutomaki 🍦 Ice Cream 🍧 Shaved Ice 🍨 Ice Cream Cocktail 🍩 Donut 🍪 Cookie 🍫 Chocolate 🍬 Candy 🍭 Lollipop 🍮 Flan 🍯 Honey Pot 🍰 Shortcake 🍱 Bento Box 🍲 Pot Of Food 🍳 Fried Egg 🎂 Cake 💊 Pill 🍵 Teacup 🍶 Sake 🍷 Glass 🍸 Cocktail Glass 🍹 Tropical Drink 🍺 Football Drink 🍻 Goodwill 🍼 Baby Bottle 🚰 Potable Water ☕ Hot Beverage 🫖 Teapot 🧋 Bubble Tea 🥐 Croissant 🥖 Baguette Bread 🥨 Pretzel 🥯 Bagel 🥞 Pancakes 🧀 Cheese Wedge 🥩 Cut of Meat 🥓 Bacon 🌭 Hot Dog 🥪 Sandwich 🫓 Flatbread 🫔 Tamale 🫕 Fondue 🌮 Taco 🌯 Burrito 🥙 Stuffed Flatbread 🥚 Egg 🥘 Shallow Pan of Food 🥣 Bowl With Spoon 🥗 Green Salad 🍿 Popcorn 🧂 Salt 🥫 Canned Food 🍘 Rice Cracker 🥮 Moon Cake 🥟 Dumpling 🥠 Fortune Cookie 🥡 Takeout Box 🧁 Cupcake 🥧 Pie 🥛 Glass of Milk 🍾 Bottle With Popping Cork 🥂 Clinking Glasses 🥃 Tumbler Glass 🫗 Pouring Liquid 🥤 Cup With Straw 🧇 Waffle 🧆 Falafel 🦪 Oyster 🧈 Butter 🧃 Beverage Box 🧉 Mate 🧊 Ice Cube