( ͡°͜ʖ ͡°) Lenny Face

On this site are different Lenny Face Emoticons with images.


Lenny Face

Lenny Face Emoticon

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(͡°͜ʖ ͡°)


What do you need for Lenny Face?


*Round bracket


Ligtaure tie


Degree symbol


Lateral click



Ligtaure tie


Degree symbol


*Round bracket



*You can use not only round brackets:


Lenny Face with square brackets, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie and degree symbol

Lenny Face with square brackets, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie and degree symbol Emoticon

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[͡°͜ʖ ͡°]


Lenny Face with curly brackets, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie and degree symbol

Lenny Face with curly brackets, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie and degree symbol Emoticon

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{͡°͜ʖ ͡°}


Lenny Face with slash, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie, degree symbol and backslash

Lenny Face with slash, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie, degree symbol and backslash Emoticon

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/͡°͜ʖ ͡°\


Lenny Face with colon, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie, degree symbol and colon

Lenny Face with colon, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie, degree symbol and colon Emoticon

Copy and paste

:͡°͜ʖ ͡°:


Lenny Face with semicolon, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie, degree symbol and semicolon

Lenny Face with semicolon, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie, degree symbol and semicolon Emoticon

Copy and paste

;͡°͜ʖ ͡°;


Lenny Face with equals sign, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie, degree symbol and equals sign in round brackets

Lenny Face with equals sign, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie, degree symbol and equals sign in round brackets Emoticon

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(=͡°͜ʖ ͡°=)


Lenny Face with equals sign, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie, degree symbol and equals sign in square brackets

Lenny Face with equals sign, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie, degree symbol and equals sign in square brackets Emoticon

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[=͡°͜ʖ ͡°=]


Lenny Face with equals sign, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie, degree symbol and equals sign in curly brackets

Lenny Face with equals sign, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie, degree symbol and equals sign in curly brackets Emoticon

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{=͡°͜ʖ ͡°=}


Lenny Face with hair, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie and degree symbol

Lenny Face with hair, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie and degree symbol Emoticon

Copy and paste (Multi-line)


:͡°͜ʖ ͡°:


Lenny Face Shrug with round brackets, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie and degree symbol

Lenny Face Shrug with round brackets, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie and degree symbol Emoticon

Copy and paste

¯\_( ͡°͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯


Lenny Face Shrug with square brackets, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie and degree symbol

Lenny Face Shrug with square brackets, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie and degree symbol Emoticon

Copy and paste

¯\_[͡°͜ʖ ͡°]_/¯


Lenny Face Shrug with curly brackets, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie and degree symbol

Lenny Face Shrug with curly brackets, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie and degree symbol Emoticon

Copy and paste

¯\_{͡°͜ʖ ͡°}_/¯


Lenny Face Shrug with equals sign, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie, degree symbol and equals sign in round brackets

Lenny Face Shrug with equals sign, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie, degree symbol and equals sign in round brackets Emoticon

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¯\_(=͡°͜ʖ ͡°=)_/¯


Lenny Face Shrug with slash, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie, degree symbol and backslash

Lenny Face Shrug with slash, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie, degree symbol and backslash Emoticon

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¯\_/͡°͜ʖ ͡°\_/¯


Lenny Face Shrug with colon, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie, degree symbol and colon

Lenny Face Shrug with colon, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie, degree symbol and colon Emoticon

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¯\_:͡°͜ʖ ͡°:_/¯


Lenny Face Shrug with semicolon, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie, degree symbol and semicolon

Lenny Face Shrug with semicolon, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie, degree symbol and semicolon Emoticon

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¯\_;͡°͜ʖ ͡°;_/¯



Lenny Face Gun with round brackets, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie, degree symbol with hand and macron (diacritic) and vertical bar gun

Lenny Face Gun with round brackets, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie, degree symbol with hand and macron (diacritic) and vertical bar gun Emoticon

Copy and paste

( ͡°͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯¯¯¯|¯¯


Lenny Face Gun with round brackets, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie, degree symbol with hand up and macron (diacritic) and vertical bar gun

Lenny Face Gun with round brackets, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie, degree symbol with hand up and macron (diacritic) and vertical bar gun Emoticon

Copy and paste

( ͡°͜ʖ ͡°) ̄ ̄|¯¯


Lenny Face Gun with round brackets, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie, degree symbol with equality sign hands and T with macron (diacritic) gun

Lenny Face Gun with round brackets, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie, degree symbol with equality sign hands and T with macron (diacritic) gun Emoticon

Copy and paste

( ͡°͜ʖ ͡°)=T¯¯


Lenny Face Gun with square brackets, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie, degree symbol with hand and macron (diacritic) and vertical bar gun

Lenny Face Gun with square brackets, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie, degree symbol with hand and macron (diacritic) and vertical bar gun Emoticon

Copy and paste

[͡°͜ʖ ͡°]_/¯¯¯¯|¯¯


Lenny Face Gun with square brackets, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie, degree symbol with hand up and macron (diacritic) and vertical bar gun

Lenny Face Gun with square brackets, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie, degree symbol with hand up and macron (diacritic) and vertical bar gun Emoticon

Copy and paste

[͡°͜ʖ ͡°] ̄ ̄|¯¯


Lenny Face Gun with square brackets, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie, degree symbol with equality sign hands and T with macron (diacritic) gun

Lenny Face Gun with square brackets, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie, degree symbol with equality sign hands and T with macron (diacritic) gun Emoticon

Copy and paste

[͡°͜ʖ ͡°]=T¯¯


Lenny Face Gun with curly brackets, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie, degree symbol with hand and macron (diacritic) and vertical bar gun

Lenny Face Gun with curly brackets, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie, degree symbol with hand and macron (diacritic) and vertical bar gun Emoticon

Copy and paste

{͡°͜ʖ ͡°}_/¯¯¯¯|¯¯


Lenny Face Gun with curly brackets, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie, degree symbol with hand up and macron (diacritic) and vertical bar gun

Lenny Face Gun with curly brackets, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie, degree symbol with hand up and macron (diacritic) and vertical bar gun Emoticon

Copy and paste

{͡°͜ʖ ͡°} ̄ ̄|¯¯


Lenny Face Gun with curly brackets, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie, degree symbol with equality sign hands and T with macron (diacritic) gun

Lenny Face Gun with curly brackets, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie, degree symbol with equality sign hands and T with macron (diacritic) gun Emoticon

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{͡°͜ʖ ͡°}=T¯¯


Lenny Face Gun with slash / backslash brackets, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie, degree symbol with hand and macron (diacritic) and vertical bar gun

Lenny Face Gun with slash / backslash brackets, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie, degree symbol with hand and macron (diacritic) and vertical bar gun Emoticon

Copy and paste

/͡°͜ʖ ͡°\_/¯¯¯¯|¯¯


Lenny Face Gun with slash / backslash brackets, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie, degree symbol with hand up and macron (diacritic) and vertical bar gun

Lenny Face Gun with slash / backslash brackets, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie, degree symbol with hand up and macron (diacritic) and vertical bar gun Emoticon

Copy and paste

/͡°͜ʖ ͡°\ ̄ ̄|¯¯


Lenny Face Gun with slash / backslash brackets, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie, degree symbol with equality sign hands and T with macron (diacritic) gun

Lenny Face Gun with slash / backslash brackets, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie, degree symbol with equality sign hands and T with macron (diacritic) gun Emoticon

Copy and paste

/͡°͜ʖ ͡°\=T¯¯


Lenny Face Gun with colon brackets, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie, degree symbol with hand and macron (diacritic) and vertical bar gun

Lenny Face Gun with colon brackets, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie, degree symbol with hand and macron (diacritic) and vertical bar gun Emoticon

Copy and paste

:͡°͜ʖ ͡°:_/¯¯¯¯|¯¯


Lenny Face Gun with colon brackets, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie, degree symbol with hand up and macron (diacritic) and vertical bar gun

Lenny Face Gun with colon brackets, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie, degree symbol with hand up and macron (diacritic) and vertical bar gun Emoticon

Copy and paste

:͡°͜ʖ ͡°: ̄ ̄|¯¯


Lenny Face Gun with colon brackets, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie, degree symbol with equality sign hands and T with macron (diacritic) gun

Lenny Face Gun with colon brackets, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie, degree symbol with equality sign hands and T with macron (diacritic) gun Emoticon

Copy and paste

:͡°͜ʖ ͡°:=T¯¯


Lenny Face Gun with semicolon brackets, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie, degree symbol with hand and macron (diacritic) and vertical bar gun

Lenny Face Gun with semicolon brackets, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie, degree symbol with hand and macron (diacritic) and vertical bar gun Emoticon

Copy and paste

;͡°͜ʖ ͡°;_/¯¯¯¯|¯¯


Lenny Face Gun with semicolon brackets, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie, degree symbol with hand up and macron (diacritic) and vertical bar gun

Lenny Face Gun with semicolon brackets, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie, degree symbol with hand up and macron (diacritic) and vertical bar gun Emoticon

Copy and paste

;͡°͜ʖ ͡°; ̄ ̄|¯¯


Lenny Face Gun with semicolon brackets, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie, degree symbol with equality sign hands and T with macron (diacritic) gun

Lenny Face Gun with semicolon brackets, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie, degree symbol with equality sign hands and T with macron (diacritic) gun Emoticon

Copy and paste

;͡°͜ʖ ͡°;=T¯¯


Body (Multi-line)


Lenny Face with Body in round brackets, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie and degree symbol

Lenny Face with Body in round brackets, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie and degree symbol Emoticon

Copy and paste

    ( ͡°͜ʖ ͡°)

 \_(       )_/

    ()    ()

Lenny Face with Body in square brackets, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie and degree symbol

Lenny Face with Body in square brackets, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie and degree symbol Emoticon

Copy and paste

     [͡°͜ʖ ͡°]

 \_[        ]_/

     []   []

Lenny Face with Body in curly brackets, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie and degree symbol

Lenny Face with Body in curly brackets, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie and degree symbol Emoticon

Copy and paste

     {͡°͜ʖ ͡°}

 \_{        }_/

     {}   {}

Lenny Face with Body in slash / backslash brackets, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie and degree symbol

Lenny Face with Body in slash / backslash brackets, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie and degree symbol Emoticon

Copy and paste

     /͡°͜ʖ ͡°\

 \_/        \_/

    /\       /\

Lenny Face with Body in colon brackets, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie and degree symbol

Lenny Face with Body in colon brackets, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie and degree symbol Emoticon

Copy and paste

     :͡°͜ʖ ͡°:

 \_:        :_/

    : :    : :

Lenny Face with Body in semicolon brackets, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie and degree symbol

Lenny Face with Body in semicolon brackets, ligtaure tie, degree symbol, lateral click, undertie, ligtaure tie and degree symbol Emoticon

Copy and paste

     ;͡°͜ʖ ͡°;

 \_;        ;_/

    ; ;    ; ;

Bear Lenny Face

Bear Lenny Face Emoticon

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ʕ°͜ʖ ͡°ʔ


Angry Lenny Face

Angry Lenny Face Emoticon

Copy and paste

(͡ ل͟ ͡°)


Neutral Lenny Face

Neutral Lenny Face Emoticon

Copy and paste

(͡°͜ل ͡°)


Smaller Neutral Lenny Face

Smaller Neutral Lenny Face Emoticon

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Sad Lenny Face

Sad Lenny Face Emoticon

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Middle Finger


Bigger Lenny Face with Middle Finger

Bigger Lenny Face with Middle Finger Emoticon

Copy and paste

╭∩╮( ͡° ل͟ ͡° )╭∩╮


Lenny Face with Middle Finger

Lenny Face with Middle Finger Emoticon

Copy and paste

╭∩╮( ͡°͜ʖ ͡°)╭∩╮


Lenny Face with Middle Finger in square brackets

Lenny Face with Middle Finger in square brackets Emoticon

Copy and paste

╭∩╮[͡°͜ʖ ͡°]╭∩╮


Lenny Face with Middle Finger in curly brackets

Lenny Face with Middle Finger in curly brackets Emoticon

Copy and paste

╭∩╮{͡°͜ʖ ͡°}╭∩╮


Lenny Face with Middle Finger in slash / backslash brackets

Lenny Face with Middle Finger in slash / backslash brackets Emoticon

Copy and paste

╭∩╮/͡°͜ʖ ͡°\╭∩╮


Lenny Face with Middle Finger in colon brackets

Lenny Face with Middle Finger in colon brackets Emoticon

Copy and paste

╭∩╮:͡°͜ʖ ͡°:╭∩╮


Lenny Face with Middle Finger in semicolon brackets

Lenny Face with Middle Finger in semicolon brackets Emoticon

Copy and paste

╭∩╮;͡°͜ʖ ͡°;╭∩╮



╭∩╮ Middle Finger Emoticon


Following Emojis can be used for lenny face:

🌚 New Moon Face


🌝 Full Moon With Face


🌞 Sun With Face

More Geography and Weather Emojis

🌈 Geography and Weather



Other Emoticons

:‑) Smiley, Happy Face


:‑D Laughing


:-)) Very Happy


:‑( Sad


:'‑( Crying


:'‑) Crying Laughing


D‑': Disgust


:‑O Surprise


:-* Kiss


;‑) Wink


:-, Smirk


:‑P Emoticon with stuck out tongue


:‑/ Undecided


:‑| Neutral


:$ Embarrassed


:‑X Sealed Lips


O:‑) Angel


>:‑) Devil


|;‑) Cool


|‑O Bored


:‑J Tongue-in-cheek


#‑) Party Face


%‑) Confused


:‑###.. Sick


<:‑| Dumb


',:-| Disbelief


@};- Rose


5:‑) Elvis Presley


*<|:‑) Santa Claus


~(_8^(I) Homer Simpson


=:o] Bill Clinton


(´_⊃`) Donald Trump


7:^] Ronald Reagan


</3 Broken Heart


<3 Heart


><> Fish


\o/ Cheer


*\0/* Cheerleader


//0‑0\\ John Lennon


v.v Horror


O_O Surprised Emoticon


>.< Skeptical


^5 High Five


ӽd̲̅a̲̅r̲̅w̲̅i̲̅ɳ̲̅ᕗ Darwin Fish


( ͡°͜ʖ ͡°) Lenny Face


╭∩╮ Middle Finger Emoticon 



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