(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ Table Flip

On this site are table flip Emoticons with images.


Table Flip with round brackets, box drawings light arc up and left arms, degree symbol eyes, white square, parenthesis, 2 box drawings heavy up and horizontal and box drawings heavy horizontal in the middle

Table Flip with round brackets, box drawings light arc up and left arms, degree symbol eyes, white square, parenthesis, 2 box drawings heavy up and horizontal and box drawings heavy horizontal in the middle Emoticon

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(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


Table Flip with box drawings heavy up and horizontal, 2 box drawings light down and horizontal, 2 box drawings light horizontal, macron (diacritic), backslash, underscore and in round brackets Japanese Tsu (kana, in katakana)

Table Flip with box drawings heavy up and horizontal, 2 box drawings light down and horizontal, 2 box drawings light horizontal, macron (diacritic), backslash, underscore and in round brackets Japanese Tsu (kana, in katakana) Emoticon

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┻┬──┬ ¯\_(ツ)


Table Flip with 2 box drawings heavy up and horizontal and box drawings heavy horizontal in the middle, parenthesis, Japanese iteration mark kana, round brackets, grave accent eye, De (Cyrillic), acute accent eye, Japanese No (kana, in katakana) and parenthesis

Table Flip with 2 box drawings heavy up and horizontal and box drawings heavy horizontal in the middle, parenthesis, Japanese iteration mark kana, round brackets, grave accent eye, De (Cyrillic), acute accent eye, Japanese No (kana, in katakana) and parenthesis Emoticon

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┻━┻︵ヽ (`Д´)ノ︵


Table Flip with 2 box drawings heavy up and horizontal and box drawings heavy horizontal in the middle, box drawings light down and horizontal, 2 box drawings light horizontal, Japanese No (kana, in katakana), in round brackets: ordinal indicator eyes, underscore mouth and Japanese No (kana, in katakana)

Table Flip with 2 box drawings heavy up and horizontal and box drawings heavy horizontal in the middle, box drawings light down and horizontal, 2 box drawings light horizontal, Japanese No (kana, in katakana), in round brackets: ordinal indicator eyes, underscore mouth and Japanese No (kana, in katakana) Emoticon

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┻━┻┬─┬ノ( º _ ºノ)


Table Flip with round bracket, Japanese No (kana, in katakana) arms, Kannada script retroflex (tha) eyes, CJK unified ideograph-76CA mouth and nose, CJK unified ideograph-5F61 and 2 box drawings heavy up and horizontal and box drawings heavy horizontal in the middle

Table Flip with round bracket, Japanese No (kana, in katakana) arms, Kannada script retroflex (tha) eyes, CJK unified ideograph-76CA mouth and nose, CJK unified ideograph-5F61 and 2 box drawings heavy up and horizontal and box drawings heavy horizontal in the middle Emoticon

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(ノ ಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻


Other Japanese Emoticons Kaomoji


(>_<) Troubled


(';') Baby


(^^ゞ Nervous


(^.^)y-.o○ Coronavirus


(-_-)zzz Sleeping


(^_-) Winking


((+_+)) Confused Japanese Emoticon


(o|o) Ultraman


<(`^´)> Angry Bird


^_^ Joyful


(__) Kowtow-Respect




\(°ロ\) Questioning


('_') Sad Japanese Emoticon


;_; Crying Japanese Emoticon


(ー_ー)!! Shame


(=_=) Tired


(=^・^=) Cat


(._.) Looking Down


^m^ Giggling With Hand Covering Mouth


(・・? Confusion


(-‸ლ) Facepalm


>^_^< Normal Laugh


(^^)/~~~ Waving


(V)o¥o(V) Alien Baltan


\(~o~)/ Excited


(*_*) Amazed


!(^^)! Attentive


(*^^)v Laughing Japanese Emoticon


(~o~) Too Little Sleep


(p_-) Conjunctivitis


((d[-_-]b)) Headphones-listening to music


(-"-) Worried


(^0_0^) Eyeglasses


(..)φ Jotting Note


(●^o^●) Happy


( ̄ー ̄) Grinning


( ̄□ ̄;) Surprised


(*´▽`*) Infatuation


(゚ Д゚) Shocked


(* ̄m ̄) Dissatisfied


ヽ(´ー`)┌ Mellow


¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Shrug


(´・ω・`) Snubbed


(*^3^)/~☆ Blowing A Kiss


.....φ(・∀・*) Studying Is Good


uwu Joy


OWO Cute


.o○ Bubbles


( ^^) Cup Of Tea


☆彡 Shooting Star


>°)))彡 Fish Japanese Emoticon


<コ:彡 Octopus


C:.ミ Squid


~>°)~~~ Snake


~°·_·°~ Bat


(°°)~ Tadpole


●~* Bomb


 ̄|○ Despair


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ Table Flip


:3ミ Speaking Face 



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