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Buy Emoji was born 20098 days ago in Laughing Emoji. He works as a finance boss of the city administration. Moreover, he controls the places of interest of the surroundings. He studied originally jurisprudence. Moreover, he worked as a policeman. Many criminal Emojis and aliens bribed him with the biggest success of the kingdom history. Thus he was sent for 4016 days in the prison by registered letter. During his custody he studied in the self-study jurisprudence and other legislation of the kingdom.
He made his doctoral thesis on the subject "How one bribes a policeman successfully in Emoji?". His doctoral thesis was read by many prospective customers. Because of his doctoral thesis Buy Emoji planet-far became known. In particular the rulers of Saturn wanted to have him with themselves. In Saturn he received several awards for his doctoral thesis. Moreover, Buy Emoji became the most-read doctoral candidate from the kingdom Emoji. Later Buy Emoji had to found a publishing company alone for his doctoral thesis.
He expels as a sideline his doctoral thesis. Later he was invited in an amphitheatre. He had to take over the role of a policeman. On week-ends he also appears as an actor. Topically Buy Emoji acts above all at the theatre as a policeman. Moreover, 555 days ago he founded a small factory for sweets. On account of his adventurous biography and his constant presence in the mass media he gets many inquiries for interviews.
Sweasy26 met the finance boss of Laughing Emoji personally on a half-cloudy day in the tower from copper in the hometown of Buy Emoji.
So much I know, there is no tax authority in the kingdom Emoji for the purpose of the levy like in Saturn. What do you make in your function as a finance boss?
Buy Emoji gets his homework book from his backpack: Luckily we have no active levy as at times of the finance boss Gossip was. Today we have other obligations to do by the citizens. An average inhabitant understands by the modern levy the following duties: 1️⃣ ➕🖨️⤵️👣🏦🎶➕📑🏦🎶. Ordinarily we order about 1,658,712 Bitcoins for the needs of the town. Moreover, we need money for the payment of the pensions to retired Emojis and other aliens. The national bank of Emoji physically provides for it.
Are issues of the town not controlled by controllers?
Does no danger insist that the money comes to the wrong hands?
Buy Emoji points at several positions in the space: ⏱️🎛️🏦⌚💰️🤚🏞🏦. Then the printed money had to be supervised. Also the protection of the bank notes exists beyond the transport. The bank notes send via WLAN signals to the national bank.
Nevertheless, this is a supervision state!
Buy Emoji defended his face with a supervision camera: 🙅🏦🎶📈🔄🕌📴🏦🎶⤵️💰️.
Now I must ask like the most normal interviewers a disagreeable question about your past. You were a policeman once. You could not resist the briberies at all. How was this time for you?
Buy Emoji looks at the calendar. He turns the pages completely behind: No worry.
This question was already asked to me at least 11,738 times. I know that I can deliver in addition always an answer like a robot. 😄🅰️🤖🅰️👮🅰️🤚🏦🎶. I can describe the list of my privileges further. Topically one can buy me any time. Of course the services of juridical character concern.
Your doctoral thesis was so successful that you had to found a publishing company. You also work as a finance boss of Laughing Emoji. Besides you slip in the role of the policeman on week-ends in the urban amphitheatre. Do you really have no desire for spare time?
Buy Emoji shows at his purse: At home sit. This is too dull for me. To work as a real policeman, this is too big risk for me. As a lawyer I also work as a sideline. Then free days on the week-end remain to me. There I can play the policeman who can be bribed. Besides, I risk no criminal consequences. As an actor I can realize my former criminal activity. 🌉1️⃣ 🤑💸.
Your successful doctoral thesis became even the best-seller in Saturn. How do you explain to yourselves this great success abroad?
Buy Emoji looks at the land map of the planet Saturn: 🏬🤚👩⚖️🍖🈶🤑🍖💸. The former finance boss Gossip represented the same opinion.
You compare yourself with Gossip. The population of Laughing Emoji suffered very strongly from his influence. He used only the gratitude of the long-lasting Emojis.
Buy Emoji defends himself with a book: I certainly do not
recommend that he used the gratitude of the inhabitants. This was
certainly very bad. But I think that Emojis should take over anyway
the national currency. This was the right step in the history of the
town. By the way: 🤑😄⤵️💰️.
Suddenly there sounds loud laughter on the street. Buy Emoji must cover up his ears with the hands. Sweasy26 suspects the finance boss that he is generally no Emoji.
For the interviewer is clear that Buy Emoji could be a charlatan. Sweasy26 renounces questions after the exact origin of the finance boss for reasons of the data protection.
Some time ago you still founded a small factory for sweets. Your career looks more and more exciting. Did you have in spite of many employments still too much spare time?
Buy Emoji looks in his homework book: Yes. I noticed that I had on Thursdays too much time. To me became sudden in the mouth too bitter. So I decided the construction of a small factory. I bought a lot of gigabytes in sugar. Then I started to experiment. Thus originated my sweets., Among the rest, I sell several chocolate tortoises. Moreover, I sell in my job as a finance boss my products to the visitors or subordinated employees.
May you sell during your working hours still your products?
Buy Emoji gets a local law book from his backpack: 777 days ago we worked in Laughing Emoji on new laws of our town. Every inhabitant might introduce his proposals. At least one proposal of every inhabitant was taken up in the law book. This law was taken over thanks to me in the local legislation. Thus I make this legal. Finally, I am no silly policeman.
Now I have collected the right experiences how I may properly sell. Moreover, my products were examined before the licensing by the food engineers with the microscope. My products passed all tests. I had to bribe even nobody. This was a big joy for me.
Do you also need new tools for your chocolate tortoises?
Buy Emoji looks at his confidential plan: I use 3D-visualisations for it. I could buy the suitable device in Saturn. There I met 1111 days ago several chocolate producers. I liked chocolate factories very well. I thought that I should realize one day such a factory myself. I let many tools import from the Saturn.
Now the extraterrestrial Sweasy26 wants to ask, nevertheless, the question to the origin. Buy Emoji looks at his clock. He points with his hand at the clock. Thereon Sweasy26 decides to release the finance boss from the interview.
Suddenly there speaks Buy Emoji: The development of my chocolate tortoises lasted nearly 818 days. I worked on it before the conversion at least every free Thursday evening. I outlined my sweet products on my sheets. But now I must urgently work out the budget for the hare's circus. I must finish the interview at once.
After this statement the finance boss Buy Emoji will dismiss in the freedom of his employments.
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