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Constitution in Emoji

The draft on the constitution of the Emoji was 7777 days ago adopted by parliament Emoji, the top politicians of funny people. This constitution replaced the 7997 days until very valid constitution of the old time Emojis. The day of the new modernization has since been celebrated as constitution day. Every year fly the Emojis occasion of the celebration of the frontier with Emoticons. They also run during 122 minutes around their hometown.

What does the constitution of the Emoji include?
The constitution of the Emoji is based on the individual and inalienable rights of humans and aliens and incorporating the principles of a social rule of law, a free kingdom on the basis of the separation of powers and popular sovereignty. For this purpose has yet to be mentioned, that every citizen has the right to meet in person once in their life with the King of Emoji. The date this must be agreed with the responsible citizens.
With the property rights of citizens, which stipulates the constitution, they also guarantee a continuation of the partial privatization. It further provides linguistic and cultural advancement of all communities in the country. At the same time particularities of each region are considered. The direct election of the king by the people is clearly prohibited. He must decide very much himself. But he has mainly ceremonial duties. So he must meet very secretly with various heads of state of the universe. He discusses with his counterpart cooperation between Emoji and the other country. 👩‍⚖️✌👮‍♀️🤚🇺🇳🤚🗽👆🚮🌓🥰💼7️⃣ 🏞🔲🅰️⏮1️⃣📑🤚🅰️🤔💯🗾💸🤚🗽👩‍⚖️🥇🍖😂.

Which electoral legislation includes the constitution?
Local authorities such as the mayor or the city council are elected by the respective electorate. The King of Emoji can but express his opinion. He may also make a recommendation to vote. He does this, however, especially in the capital city Emoji SMS. It's very important to have him own people in government.
In addition, the King may lay claim to the only citizens an entire city for themselves. This was granted, so that he can receive his guests. This is so-called city work of King. But it offers the king also many recreational activities.

Constitutional amendments in Emoji
Trying to fight a law against the Misers from the Jupiter, led to a financing of demonstration by the Misers in the capital city Emoji SMS. The Jupiter aliens tried to overthrow in this way the government in Emoji. They paid exceptionally real money for the anti-government demonstrations. The King of Emoji allowed to proceed, the army and the police against the demonstrators. The protesters were all purchased sentenced for 7690 days imprisonment by the supreme court. 😀🔍️📃7️⃣ 🖼️🥇👮‍♂️➕💼🍀🤚⏳🍖🏛️🖋️👤🤝👤🥇💡💵➡️👊🗽➕👨‍⚖️🤳➕🛠️📃🤚🕌.
Some demonstrators have been sentenced to a ban on residence in the capital city and the region.

Current situation
The parliament of Emoji repeatedly tried to write into the constitution from boredom something new. So one day there came a request from a parliamentarian on the topic: Eating with three forks in restaurants. He wanted to hold on with his request a law in the constitution by all restaurants would be obliged to serve three forks at every meal. Another parliamentarian always wanted to get the sixth day in autumn day off. One member of parliament demanded an inquiry into the increase in bread consumption for pregnant women. There are many more inquiries about new laws, which seem important from the perspective of politicians.



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