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Continuation of the adventures of the first dictator and the Minister of Finance in the black hole

After the conversation of both Emojis with the town dictator of Alien Emoji they left this town because of fear of Easter Eggs. Moreover, aliens from Mars wanted to see no special Emojis in their town. Thus the first dictator and his Minister of Finance took their flying saucer and flew to another direction. Suddenly the flying Emojis were asked to make a forced landing at once. ⌚️👽1️⃣ 👫🏫😂.
They could not remember. Finally, there passed a lot of years, since they learnt at school the history of Emoji. After few seconds appeared several fields with rosemary. Moreover, there were a lot of Smiles who laughed exceptionally often and long. This time the first dictator remembered that it had to be anyway the city of Laughing Emoji. He decided to question local population about the laughing formula. The problem was that both Emojis landed before the invention or before the discovery of the laughing formula in this area. Nobody understood this joke of the first dictator. Suddenly turned several times the sun and the moon. The present inhabitants 😱❤️❌️➡️👤🔪🛑. 👤🤣👨👤💚👨⬅️👄🤕👤🦷👨😃. This led to the fact that both Emojis from the darkness were moved into another situation.
They landed on a big flag of Jupiter on a big mountain. These Emojis were shot like with a cannon by this flag in the air. They flew long time without aid by several galaxies and because of missing gravitation they fell on the soft ground in Middle Finger Emoji. The mayor Tycoon reacted very much angry that these Emojis destroyed his vegetables. 👤🖕👨➡️🗣️➕1️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ 💩⏱️. The time further passed.
The last Horror Clown died only at the old age of 32866 days. With it he lived much longer than in the known reality. After his death a certain Devil Emoji took over the power of the whole Circus Union by a coup. In reality he became later only a king of Emoji. Upwards in this reality the curiosity of the first dictator and his Minister of Finance rose. They experienced an opposition of the oldest son of Devil against the mightiest tax authority of Poop Emoji. Just the son of the mightiest Emojis caused an opposition against the state stinginess in the Circus Union. The Minister of Finance could not remain quiet. He had to shout: "📦️➡️💪👤👨⌛️🛠️👉️🔪👌!"
The first dictator remained quiet. Finally, he anticipated that once Emojis will attack all the same which reality the tax authority. Both high-ranking Emojis were shifted to other future. This time they landed in an advertisement.
In it developers of a programme from Emoji App advertised to software. The aim of the programme was a specific support of the Emojis on the planet Earth. Local software developers had to do this. Moreover, Emojis for Android were programmed very intensely. The aim was the made easier learning of the language of the Emojis for the people. 👺🛑🗑️🧫💭👤🤕👩🤰👤👩⬅️🤌. 2️⃣ 🛑🎁➡️😝👥😭🚩🖕👤📖➕😂❓️ 👥💩😷. ➡️👤🙏🗣️❓️🤔➕👽💬👍️, 🏃‍♂️➕🔴🎏🖕🏃‍♂️.
At this time Emojis tried to bring back unsuccessfully both disappeared government members. They wanted to apply for help with aliens in Pluto. The future second dictator prevented every help from own interests. Thus the first dictator and the Minister of Finance remained in the black hole. This time these Emojis were shifted to the next adventure.

The adventures of the first dictator and the Minister of Finance in the black hole

Story: The adventures of the first dictator and the Minister of Finance in the black hole

The adventures of the Emojis in the black hole

Story: The adventures of the Emojis in the black hole



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