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In this interview, the successful entrepreneur Deposit
Account is speaking from Mars about his past career. Also why he is
suffering from an allergy because of the tax officials.
He also tells how he built up his company at the age of 9999 days.
Deposit account yet explained that he first counted the days on the
calendar from his birth up to one day. That day he found out that he
was already 8888 days old. That was reason enough for him to write his
self-employment in 111 pages.
How did you come to your first money establishing your company first?
Deposit Account is looking for in the encyclopedia on the
Internet. He seems to have forgotten that.
No, I did not come to money. The money came to me as I shouted: "I
want to be my own boss!" , Even as a seven-year, I felt in me the
desire to become self-employed and professional rise meteoric. I have
implemented in my training as envelope producer. I figured at the time
exactly how many envelopes I had to produce, so that I can apply my
share capital myself.
Is one better equipped as an entrepreneur, if you yourself have to
work something up?
Deposit Account must be quick online check his account.
Now I see you crying. That's why I put a more positive question.
How you did prepare your self-employment before in your younger years?
Deposit Account is looking for in his memoirs.
You have indeed accumulate enough wealth. Why do you have in this
case, so afraid of the IRS?
Deposit Account tried to defend himself with the broom and
wants to put his broom yet right in front of his nose.
The main problem is this: I have 92.864 percent of envelope factory.
We practice a conservative dividend policy. This means that we want to
think stingy primarily in the distribution of profits.
If we sell shares to Generous, the ownership is widely dispersed. Then
the company must increasingly take into account the interests of
shareholders and pay dividends. As a result, it may be less invested
in the future of the company and production. medium to long term is
the problem. The Generous would like get profits from the company.
This in turn would cause a big problem for the growth of envelope
factory. Besides, many Martians would have to be dismissed.
Sweasy26: The dictatorial dominated parliament is hardly to allow that
so many Martians would suddenly be on its cost.
Deposit Account is looking himself in the mirror.
That sounds not bad. But in an international comparison, it is so that
Mars would make a tax increase as a step towards the "miserly". I pay
a day currently 111,113 Bitcoins to tax the tax officials. Depending
on the market value of our company, I even paid up to 444,332 Bitcoins
in one day. And for money, which is blocked in company shares. These
taxes on stocks are a life threatening problem for me.
You wanted to escape so ever to Pluto because of share taxation.
Deposit Account acts at once very positive.
Sweasy26: But you have very well argued. At this beautiful moment, I
would like to thank you for the interview.
Deposit Account thanked extraterrestrial Sweasy26 well for the
interview. Before he leaves, Account still takes a bottle of banana
juice and gives Sweasy26 and wishes him good health.
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