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On Monday the former notary public on the chalkboard wrote the
subject of the law book of the
Emojis: Our next subject is the bill of sale generally. Then
we discuss the rules in the kingdom
Emoji. What is a purchase contract?
Other lawyers had to answer this question. After some time somebody
knocked at the door. It was the main lawyer. He had a delay because
of a police control of the running past Emojis. He had to prove even
the policeman that on his identity card really his own face was
recognizable. 🌛📄🔙. 🎭💬👨😲. 👀👍👩🚫🌍🏃. They demonstrated on
the street against defense of the customers in the country of the
Emojis. A judge reacted to it: If the buyer pays the purchase price,
use and danger go over on him also. This sentence calmed
Can the hospitality industry be excluded from this law?
A cook from
Laughing Emoji asked this. All lawyers agreed in the following
point: All branches must be handled with general laws immediately.
An estate agent from the Jupiter asked: 🌲🎭🕸🌳🦌💬🚫💭➡👨.
Who takes costs for the handing over?
Concerned Emojis asked this together. A defender: In this case of
course the shop assistant or the present owner must take the costs.
(Responsibility of the supplier / of shop assistant [the shop])
Here shouted an alien from the Jupiter: And if the customer wishes a
special delivery place? Must I pay as a stingy owner of the company
for that?
In this case explained a lawyer from
Meaning: For special wishes the stinginess of the owner of the
company is protected legally. In this case the customer would also
have to take the transport costs.
The devices which a customer himself can hardly transport form
exception. Fridges and other heavy devices belong to that. 📅🏆🌛.
An Emoji wanted to know how he could react. The Emoji ordered from
an alien from the Saturn in
Eyes Emoji a telescope.
The alien from the Saturn is already for 14 days in delay. In
addition said a judge: This Emoji may sue the trader because of
non-fulfillment of the contract also for compensation.
By this second somebody knocked at the door. Then a former accuser
opened the door. There came a furious alien from the Saturn and
sprayed the face of the lawyer. The other lawyers were shocked very
much. They wanted to stop the attacker. Outdoors some furious Emojis
waited for the Sprayer from the Saturn. There Emojis hit him with
decayed melons. The alien from the Saturn was arrested by policemen.
After this event the injured Emoji had to be delivered to the
Then the main lawyer wrote the following sentence in the law book of
the Emojis:
§ If a contracting party of a purchase contract does not fulfill its
duties, the other side may require a compensation. And the lazy
contracting party must be reminded before still.
Suddenly Emojis heard several shots. ⚡✉📧👑🦠⌚✉. 👉❌🌲👉✍⚡. This
event moved the gathered Emojis into big panic.
In the meantime, several Emojis and aliens heard other shots near
the meeting place of the lawyers. A retired judge hit with the
judge's hammer on the table and required from his occupational
colleagues that they concentrated, finally, upon their work. Thereon
a lawyer replied that they could not work under these circumstances.
There was mortal danger. 👉🎉➡, 👉📹📺🏠📱🎉⌚, 🌍🔌🎉. 👉🌛🎉➡,
After this event the main lawyer still wanted to protect the buyers
against third party persons legally better.
So he wrote the following question to his colleagues:
Can a third person take away the purchase object from the buyer?
A lawyer answered this: This should be forbade basically. By the
conclusion of a contract both contracting parties should exactly
discuss every detail and stick in their document. Third party
persons are excluded therefore. Only in special cases third party
can make something. Because in a case in which rights of the third
party or damage would be to fear. In addition a lawyer from
for PC wanted to express himself: In a case an alien from the
Venus signed a contract with a group of former prisoners.
➡️👤➕🎬️⚙️➕➡️👤➕🎉➡️, ➕👯♂️👉➕🎬️, 👥🎼🎧️🎭️💃🎼🎧️🎬️➕📅🎬️.
➡️👤➕👨👯♂️➕🎬️. ➡️👤➕🏆🛠️⚡➡️👤🎬️➕🎭🎬️➡️🥉🎉. There this alien
celebrated his wealth. The miser could partially come to his
property. By this second Emojis would shout that, finally, they
wanted to sleep. That's why the main lawyer decided to finish the
day meeting. However, a judge wanted to continue on working. So the
main lawyer decided a vote. The majority of the present Emojis
wanted to finish the adventurous working day.
Can somebody commit itself for the takeover of the debt in
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