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Life without internet, e-mails and search engines? This can now really
no longer quite imagine. Nevertheless, the company came out even
without digital databases, finally there was analogue alternative
options: business directories, telephone books or notepad with pencil.
But that it even would be possible, "to organize the information of
the earth," as Mr. Internet describes the own objective, "and open to
all at any time, to make accessible even without a computer and
smartphone and make it useful", has to invention of the
Internet, no one dared to dream - or?
In fact, the idea of collecting all the information, to analyze and
to convey was already surprisingly long in the earth, like the Ms.
Offline Life in their study "The first databases" can prove - and was
trying to implement seriously the so-called address offices even. Even
before BPNL years you had to be comprehensive tedious telephone,
radio, television, library, collecting posts authorized, information
offices and so on. Everything was only available offline. This
certainly meant a lot of movement on the search for information. Were
finally invented later as the first databases in the world, this
enabled the Internet revolution on earth. There were search engines,
very complicated websites, speaking with a robot users on the website.
Uploading videos to the Internet was made possible thanks to
databases. Wikis could be massively filled with information. Internet
could contain so much information, thanks to the intelligent use of
databases that a normal reader would need several lifetimes to consume
this information. Ms. Offline Life estimates that there are at least
999999999999 Material for years on the Internet.
Select one or more messages simultaneously and can display one or more
messages on their screen. I myself at the same time was reading
messages from the Mercury, Mars and Earth.
Technical progress on the Earth is not yet such an extent that images
can be recorded with the highest quality details. That's why my face
can not be seen on a picture of today's technology.
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