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The first ascent of Saturn's rings
has been a success for many. Just not for the first ascent itself.
Research by the adventurers team of Mr. and Mrs. Adventurous shed new
light on this event. In this interview they explain the reason.
Mr. Adventurous, the 555-year anniversary of the first ascent of
Saturn's rings is a huge thing. Why these rings fascinate so much?
Mr. Adventurous:
The special shape and the fact that the rings are so separated from
the Saturn in the landscape, like the people. Were Saturn's rings in a
chain rings, they would probably perish. I speak here of course seen
of light years ago from the view from a distance of trillions. From a
distance viewed from a light-year, Saturn's rings are probably nothing
special. 🌓🤚🔗🚮〽️🚇🐉🔗🌓🚯🤚🌕💡.
"Secret Saturn Rings" is a real drama. Drama and comedy film are
mixed. Why?
Ms. Adventurous: We wanted to allow the viewer to be able to make a
real picture of the situation. By re-enacting certain scenes we could
do many things very clearly. That's much more emotional than when
simply an old Dr. Professor in the area Saturn's rings would tell what
happened. In addition, one would simply fall asleep without funny
Mr. Adventurous: I was at a lecture given by a longtime
researcher in this field. I have to admit. I fell asleep faster than
on a very active sports day would be the case.
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