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The rescue of the victims by three-class principle

After the crash of a large flying saucer in the ocean of Venus.
There were already recovered 49 dead aliens. Organization for equality for all extraterrestrials criticized "three-class rescue".
The shores of Venus is overloaded, many roads are blocked: The help of all the planets is difficult to crash area in Venus Water. 🤯🐰🤔🚯🖕🙅🍖🐃🖕🤐🌊🌉😑🖕🛸🤛🅰️🖕🍖💪🖕◼️🌕🚀😅🤚🌎🏦🚽🔠🚽💡🔋💯🖕😑👆🍖🌕. The Solar System Bank promised two million Bitcoins for tents, medicines and cleaning of seawater. In the affected area a great panic began after the extraterrestrials learned of another crash on TV. They started to purchase any goods in stores. They made so-called hoarding. This mainly benefited the business of the authorities, which came in for criticism in recent times due to excessive pricing. The army chief and the supreme rulers are the laughing third in this story.



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