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On Uranus some ice researcher wanted to come into the south pole of
the planet Earth with a flying saucer to the expedition. But they
needed a license from the government of the South Pole. They searched
on the Internet, which people were at this time in parliament in the
Southern Pole. In this way they would contact with a person from the
parliament of the South Pole. To this end, the parliamentarian Flower
Power was in the opinion of the Minister for Foreign Affairs from
Uranus Po Etry the appropriate politician. Po Etry sent a text message
to the politician of the South Pole with the following content: "Dear
Ms. Power, I am the Minister for Foreign Affairs from Uranus. Our ice
researcher would have great interest to explore the ice of the South
Pole. I want you to help me with the authorization to do so. Kind
regards from the fresh Uranus."
While the ice researcher from the Uranus were concerned with the ice
of the South Pole, the charlatan was looking for the spent money on
the South Pole of the planet Uranus in recent times. As a certified
Money Finder the charlatan found the hidden money at the following
persons in their hiding places: In the army chief of the South Pole,
in parliamentarian Flower Power and at the Chief Marketing Officer De
Port. Even the merchants of the balloons had to later notice a
decrease of his Bitcoins. At the end of the charlatan had nearly 7
million Bitcoins in his suitcase.
The ice researchers took two gigabytes of ice from the South Pole with
to Uranus.
In Uranus arrived, put the ice researchers presented their findings on
the ice of the South Pole other scientists. Meanwhile, the issues of
this research could be fully brought back into the state treasury from
Flower Power and other people of the South Pole in connection with the
request from the Uranus had to realize that they lost their valuable
time at the end for 0 Bitcoins. Even the army chief had to the dealer
his balloon. After these experiences the marketing director De Port
said in a speech to the audience of the South Pole:
"I was born with a 0 of Bitcoins. I die with a 0 of Bitcoins."
This speech was then disseminated by the whole population of the South
Pole on the Internet.
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