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In an early morning the uppermost tax collector from
Emoji woke up at night at 2:00 o'clock. He had a nightmare. This
Emoji dreamt about an attack of the mightiest tax authority. Moreover,
the whole money of the authority from unknown from all confidential
bank accounts was stolen within 777 seconds. After this bad dream the
mightiest official feared the end of the tax authority. That's why he
tightened his socks. Then Emoji ran half-naked to his biggest
building. There he opened the door. Then he noticed that other
still slept. His clock pointed at 2:30 o'clock. He locked up the
entrance. Then he lay down in his study on his back-careful mattress.
After some time the uppermost tax collector fell asleep.
In this night just the change of time was concluded by summertime on
wintertime. That's why the active policeman from
Emoji looked for possibilities for additional income sources.
Finally, it was to be broken in the darkness easier in a house or a
flat. At that time read the policeman
Buy Emoji about many discontented Emoji Poops. 🤐👈️❌️➕👁️🪟.
📨⬅️👥❌️🥫💸👎️. ➡️👤💸🍽️➕❌️⬆️💸. 🤫➕➡️👤💔➕💥.
Thus Buy Emoji used his chance with other colleagues. The uppermost
tax collector felt unwell after the consumption of these bread rolls.
He had long time diarrhea. In the interim criminal policemen noticed
all bank accounts in their memory card from paper. Then they left the
tax authority.
The uppermost official could not leave the toilet any more. Thus Buy
Emoji wanted to inform the emergency service. The uppermost official
refused. In the interim several Emojis came to their working place in
the tax authority. Buy Emoji and his colleagues left the building.
Policemen from Laughing Emoji decided to go to the bank in
Symbols. At this time a phone call of the uppermost police chief
reached these policemen. ➡️👤❌️💸➡️👤🔚⬆️💲2️⃣0️⃣ ➡️.
All lawyers were brought at this time in the capital city by the
policemen on time.
The main lawyer welcomed his colleagues.
Moreover, the uppermost police chief from Laughing Emoji commanded his
employees that they might take part exceptionally in the discussion of
the legislation. Thus also it happened. The lawyer from
Face said:
A training period contract is valid in
if the employer finances a part of the cost of
studying.📲➡️👤📨🫀🍽️📔🍽️🎅🍽️🧀💸. 😟🙏➕➡️➕❌️💸. 🎅💡👥🧬❌️💭❌️📔❓.
A public prosecutor from
Backpack answered this: The training period contract can happen
in the case of a heavy loss of trust. If the trainee undertakes
criminal actions against his employer. Also health changes of the
trainee or the death of the responsible boss can be valid as reasons
for the ending of the training period contract.
A group of concerned Emojis wanted to know:
➡️👥⬅️👍️👥⬅️➕⏱️. 👀⬇️💆♀️➕👥🥫⚙️4️⃣0️⃣ 🛠️➕💔.
At this time the trainee from Venus left his working place and went to
Together with them he wanted to rob a bank account of the tax
authority in
Finger Emoji. Emojis who were friends with the trainee suffered
from strong laziness. That's why the alien from the Venus looked for
other allies for the purpose of the theft of bank accounts. He
remembered Saturn's aliens in
Crying Laughing Emoji. He visited them behind the old
These aliens dealt with their own. The trainee from Venus decided to
rob alone in Crying Laughing Emoji a bank. He took his Horror Clown
mask which he wore in Halloween. 🧑🏭️❌️🛠️🐕️🦺.
🧑💼❌️💰️➡️➕🍽️🥫🌝💩. ➡️👤❌️👍️🛒.
On account of these events came several farmers from Middle Finger
Emoji and gave to the lawyers healthy juices from the urban
production. Some spies from the Saturn observed several Emojis at the
work behind the windows. When the main lawyer noticed these spies, he
pointed with his finger at them. Moreover, the cameraman had to show
these spies live on television. After this event finished Emojis their
meeting on the subject training period contract.
Halloween party of the Emojis and serious work of the lawyers on the legislation
Commercial travelling contract in Emoji and modernisation of the bus stations
Emoji stories Short Stories Horror Clown
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