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After simple Emojis
and aliens found out the day before their own meaning on the planet
Earth, the wife of a lawyer from
Finger Emoji experienced something strange. The day
before she visited together with other Emojis the
charlatan from the Saturn. After the election of the first dictator
several Emoticons from the neighbouring country came to
Finally, Emoticons were big fans of the future first dictator of Emoji
still as he worked in the politics of the former Circus Union. The
wife of the lawyer told him her dream: 👤🤩👨➕➡️👤🥫🏪👥➡️😎👥. The
lawyer promised to his concerned wife to argue with this subject.
After this conversation the lawyer took immediately 400 kilobytes of
the national bread
🍠 on his plate. He started to eat the whole bread with pink
pears and blue apples. 🆕🏤🥔➕🤔➕💡🛑. 👍️🕉️➡️👥💡💗⬆️🧓. By the
touch of the letter the lawyer of his hometown disappeared to the
religious building in
Eyes Emoji. There sat his religious occupational colleague and
concentrated upon his laughing prayer. The lawyer recognised him among
several foreign Emojis. The lawyer did not understand, why he should
come to this town. Anyway it was no chance. After the laughing prayer
the assigned counsel recognized his colleague. He asked him, why he
came here. Finally, the day meeting of the gathered lawyers should
take place on this day in the economic metropolis of
Meaning. The reason was that Emojis should deal with new laws
about the stock exchange.
💡😂❌️💡. 🥫🛒🥔➕😴. ≡⏰🏘️🤩🚶♂️. 🚽📜🎎😱❓️👥😭.
🤔👥⬅️❌️🥔➕2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣2️⃣🥔➕😷. Nobody understood what happened with
disappeared Emojis really. At this time several linguists discussed on
the planet Earth the difference between Emoji and Emoticon.
Finally, they wanted to write in the dictionaries exact explanations.
That's why several information scientists had to come to the
linguists. An information scientist showed the following answer about
the question of the difference between Emoji and Emoticon:
An Emoji looks thus: 😊
If one translates this Emoji into Emoticon, it looks thus: :-)
Quite simply: 😊 = :-)
When the lawyers saw this, they understood how people interpreted
Emojis and Emoticons on their planet.
Moreover, explained the information scientist: An Emoticon is the
word, consisting of emotion and icon. Emoticons express emotions of
the people in an easier kind. Emojis are against it rather a picture
language. Moreover, Emoji means more exactly from the Japanese: E =
Moji = Character
After this explanation all researchers understood everything. Now the
concepts Emoji and Emoticon on all dictionaries of the planet Earth
were properly explained.
By this second the first dictator ran to the building where the
gathered lawyers were and disappeared later. He found the cameraman
there. He commanded to him to show the exact circumstances of the
disappearance of the Emojis. The responsible Emoji showed the moment
to the ruler. The first dictator wanted to look at least 40 times at
this event.
After several repetitions the ruler recognized the ➕1️⃣
👥⬅️🟨✉➡️🤮👥➕☕️, 🍧📤️➕🥳. The responsible mailman hid in a tent
which he rented with
Emoji in a village. 🥇➕➡️👤👿➡️✊. 🖋️❌️⛺💡. Investigators found
a dictionary with the big heading in his tent: 😊 = :-) Translator of
two languages
Emojis took the dictionary and questioned the responsible Emoticon
about his linguistic proficiency.
Emoticon answered this: 💩👤⬅️💿️❗️➕➡️👤🥔➡️👀🥔, 🇺🇸👥❌️💡🥫👾👤⬅️.
Most lawyers confirmed that they might observe several linguists with
the interpretation of two concepts Emoji and Emoticon on the planet
Earth. 👦*️⃣*️⃣ 💬1️⃣ ➕🖼️🚘️🪟🗝😃. That's why he commanded a new
unique law to write:
§ An Emoji 😊 is a picture sign on the planet Earth. An Emoticon is an
expression of an emotion in the form of an icon :-)
The ruler of Emoji hoped that, finally, everything becomes like before
his election.
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