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Too many reforms annoy many inhabitants of the planet Microfobia. One
of these residents is the dictator and Governor Gagner Myopsofy. He
defends its interests with a lot of innovation.
If the Microfobia break in the fullness of the reforms? The danger has
become very real, as the battle for the cucumber industry shows.
The images from Danmicrof act like from a forgotten time. As images of
the anarchic Stone Age, when a handful of dictator the microfobic
"public property" plan with rabid methods under the nail: in an
armored vehicle armed men in camouflage uniforms and
combat helmets drove the bright morning before the headquarters of the
state cucumber and peppers producer Micshmack. They blocked the
entrance, while a laborer welded access with steel grids.
Reformists are planning a large seizure of possessions of citizens.
Opposite the extraterrestrial Sweasy26 declared the take away aliens,
they belonged to the Supreme Owner (President Oqnas). The unit is
actually placed under the Ministry of Interior, but was founded with a
lot of money from the dictator Gagner Myopsofy to combat the tomato
producers in the Nordmicrofobia. For some time Myopsofy is also
governor of the Minifoby region. The main dictator succeeded by his
decisive action to smother the danger by tomato growers in his region
in the bud. This has earned him in the population much goodwill. But
now he sees his business empire apparently threatened by the reforms
in Danmicrof.
👆👌💯🤚🕌🚮👥🤚👫🤚🌃🕌😶🅰️🌓🤚🚊〰️🚊🍀🤚🚽🅰️. Because the
microfobic army was capable of any rapid response to a number of
volunteer battalions formed. Although they are now formally under the
Ministry of Interior. Full control of the central government, the
battle-hardened men do not seem to be. Woe, if they were now exploited
by the various political groups for infighting. Then the Microfobia
would the failed state to a found food for predatory wolf bear.
President Oqnas has immediately arranged to disarm the fighters at the
headquarters of Micshmack and arrest. The command but have not been
put into practice.
It is believed that Myopsofy successfully influenced the fighters in
his favor and will start the cucumbers war against the reigning
President Oqnas soon.
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