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Text Emoji

Text Emoji was officially born 206,225 days ago near the Yellow Sea. Officially means that the authorities recognized his birth.
Both his parents were working in agriculture. They had to cultivate potatoes and tomatoes on the field. Later, they had to harvest them. Text Emoji was so named by his parents with the hope that their son would be one day with his sayings famous. This theory is in the state archive of Emoji. At the age of 2920 days, he was sent to school. In school, he could not count in mathematics 1+1. The doctors diagnose "a fear of figures from previous life". Text Emoji was the only patient in the history with this diagnosis. By contrast, in the letter could not stop to him. He even wrote in mathematics instead of 1 + 1 = 2, a + a = b. Then he was expelled from the Mathematics. During this time he continued writing. Text Emoji used every spare moment to write. At his first round birthday he received a camera as a gift. At that time he was 3652 days old. 👤👨📷️🟡⛵️👤➡️🏊️‍♂️⛵️1️⃣ 👨🎣⛵️. There he was allowed to study the local language Emoji L. At the age of 7665 days, he completed his studies. At that time, he wondered what he should do for a living. Initially Text Emoji had no idea. The former teacher he told the linguists that an old language teacher would go into retirement soon. So Text Emoji decided to succeed the language teacher. He got this job. As a language teacher, he worked approximately 2190 days. Suddenly he woke up. He asked himself why he ever lived. 😄🍌🐚❌️👽️➕🔂❌️👤💜👨⬅️👤👀👨🥇👨⬅️📚️👽️📷⌨💛🤐👙🤐1️⃣ 🅰️💯🤚🤐🍌🚯⌨🌉🍖⛱🚯😍🌓📕🌉.
There he had to teach them the medicine. After 2444 days allowed Text Emoji back to his homeland. At the age of 25,550 days, he decided to travel through the Kingdom. At that time he definitely went into retirement. When he was 29,930 days old, it started a pandemic of gilding of the hair. Text Emoji began his career as a doctor again. He went to the lab and experimented until he developed a vaccine against the disease. Thanks to his credit several hundreds of thousands were saved. At the age of 32,888 days Text Emoji died in the night.



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