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Emoji Travel was established by the International Tourism in Emoji 9988 days ago on the Horror Clowns command. It was started as a sign of planet-wide cooperation this annual fair. Different countries and planets may present their tourist specificities regularly. Every year, visitors learn of this fair, what to expect for attractions at various locations in the galaxy. Each country tries to present itself from the best and most exciting side. This event is even shown in various stations of the universe. This is a very good opportunity to learn about different places offline. Some visitors were so enthusiastic that they had not even thought of typing online at such places. This exhibition is organized jointly by all participating States. Each country sends its representatives by Emoji with the flying saucer. Here photos of landmarks are shown. A theoretical guide can be consulted in place on various topics. Some visitors even ask what provisions apply to travel to a country. Other visitors want to know if there are enough restaurants nearby. Also questions are asked to the hotels near the attractions. Next the theoretical guide tells briefly the history of the place. Interested visitors go from one place to the next. There is also a competition. Here one can win a trip to a country. Mostly Misers want no trip to Jupiter simply give way. For this reason, there is rarely if ever a trip to this planet to win. Only once did give away a trip to Jupiter an entrepreneur in the tourism industry. He was still not satisfied. He complained then about the loss of 1222 Bitcoins. This even led to a ban on entry by Emoji. Due to high prices, only the super rich can afford a trip to Jupiter.
Emoji Travel is
always opened by
Emoji every time. At the beginning of the event the tourism
minister of Emoji speaks his welcoming speech. Then he shows quite
proudly the location of Emoji Travel on the land map of the planet.
Monkey Emoji also reminds the participants of the fact that they
visit this event in Emoji. Moreover, he thanks all participants of
this event orally and in writing. Besides, the tourism minister with
big pride represents the kingdom Emoji in this event.
What do other countries or planets show, however, in Emoji Travel?
Emoji stories Short Stories Horror Clown
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