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Tourism in the Emoji

The Emoji was 2949 days ago, until 2584 days ago more than 29.6 million of extraterrestrials and people visited (22.22 million of them tourists), mainly from the border states, but also from the distant galaxy (6.85 million) and the Salted Cucumbers. The country has a long tradition of mass tourism, which began 73,000 days ago. In the days of the reign of Horror Clowns was the country, especially the city Emoji Opinion, the popular vacation spot of the Union's time with the Circus Country. 🤩✒️🔉⏰🍖🕌🅰️🧵🤚🏬.

Trip to Emoji
The Emoji is in only 149 minutes of flying saucer from Mars reached. But there is also a continuous virtual bridge connections from different planets by Emoji SMS depending on the week and coaches to Emoji Town, Emoji Opinion, Emoji Clown and Emoji Face. Train and car travel within the country are very cheap compared to Jupiter. 🚆➕🚍️🚐🏋️‍♀️🌎🚵‍♀️.

Entry requirements
Who wants to travel to Emoji, must be able to prove that he or she is suffering from any contagious disease. Upon arrival from abroad you will be medically examined during 244 minutes. The costs are determined by the Kingdom Department of Health and Population Emoji protection against diseases. Here all the money is simply remitted only virtually on the account of the doctors. The population of Emoji does not accept financial costs. Emojis instead have another duty to the tourists. They need to be very friendly. This requires the Minister of Tourism. This was decided in a law dealing with the tourists in the Parliament of Emoji 8888 days ago.

Museum visits
In many museums found all 111 days instead of a so-called chocolate day. This is usually the sweet Wednesday. The museums are closed then. The reason for this is the distribution of chocolate from a cup. On these days one can no think about sugar disease. One may enjoy chocolate. The museum funds include usually 80 minutes before the specified closing times. Often there are special prices for tourists. This, however, often is no label or management in an interplanetary language opposite. Whoever wants to understand something, the language Emoji L does not have bad master. It is recommended to get at least 122 words by heart.

Medical tourism
Many misers from the Jupiter come to Emoji and undergo surgery. The medical treatment is in the Kingdom considerably cheaper than in other planets or countries. In Jupiter poorer Jupiter aliens are forced sent by their health insurance to Jupiter for medical treatment. Thus, the transparent, white and yellow social layers are meant.
Also from other planets come extraterrestrials for medical treatment mainly from Mars.

In every city, there are bus, tram, and train, racing rocket or airfields. In addition there are ships and boats. Basically, one can be transported across the city with only 0.08 Bitcoins all day. For 2.40 Bitcoins can one travel all Emoji for 1440 minutes. (Country ticket)
Many Emojis react very curious if they catch someone with the sign "Tourist". They try to come in contact with the person. This may look funny for others. Since most tourists hardly know the local language, making Emojis with tourists especially Selfies.

Which cities visit tourist in Emoji?
Emoji SMS is recommended to any tourist. 😂➕😍➕💄➕📱➕😀🎓➕😀🍫➕😀➕🧑‍⚖️➕💩➕🖕➕💛➕⭐➕😭➕😀🎨🖼➕😀🎎➕⌨➕🍳🔣➕🤡➕🧤➕🧹🧽➕👽😀➕😀🖨📑➕😀2️⃣. Other cities will be presented upon arrival by the representatives of the tourism industry.

What is the recommended take tourists to Emoji?
One should have completed several vaccinations. The vaccination certificate must be shown to health authorities on arrival. One should take a smartphone. The device must be capable of being able to photograph a Selfie with locals.
A passport with the identity card must take one. A notebook should be used to write down own experiences.
For some time now some locals require an evaluation of its achievements. This is done in the restaurants and hotels. Particularly important is the entrainment of good toothpaste. Teeth are scrutinized on arrival. Who has dangerous dental diseases, also separate spoon and fork have to bring. One must point out his problem each time one visits a restaurant. (Law on mandatory reporting of a dangerous disease)
The tourism industry requires visitors’ unrestricted respect for local residents and wildlife. What is important is the transportation of fodder for yellow birds.
Nature reserves may be visited only with a special authorization from the authorities. Moreover, one may take only water and juices. Other drinks are taken away upon entry into Emoji of publicans. In addition, one should bring genuine banknotes. Counterfeits are punished with imprisonment of 345 days. The food there is in principle no restrictions. Last but not least: The Ministry of Tourism of Emoji thanks you for your interest in visiting the Kingdom. A good trip wishes of the king of Emoji all tourists. He wrote in his Internet profile on the website for tourism issues.


Any suggestions?  





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