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The armed forces of the Kingdom of
Emoji are divided
into the armed services watermelon launcher box launchers, drones
stations, tomatoes shooters, bottled water bomber, magnetic stations
and underground army with yellow uniform. The strength should be the
future by decision of the
Parliament of Emoji
from the rainy day in the ninth month of the year 28,675
soldiers. The country is trying to progress as much as possible to
advance. So should be active in the future only robot in the army. The
soldiers are protected on the government's decision fully before the
outbreak of war. Here is mentioned as an example of the planet Pluto.
There robot for the army and the security be used exclusively. Thus
Pluto has long-standing and very successful experience.
Not to the armed forces include 44,568 robots in the troops of the
Government Security, 758,687
Emojis need to
monitor borders during the whole time.
👣😛🤚🥬🇮🇹😄🌍⏯😄🌕🤚🚯↗️🗣✒️👫🇮🇹😄🅰️🗣🌕🤚🌍🇮🇹🅰️. Often they
violate law of fair economy. As an example: to pay very miserly wages
At the times of the Kingdom of Emoji before the reign of the First
Horror Clowns the army for fear of
Horror Clown was
formed by the king. 😀💫🌉🐃🔫🌉🎖🌊🔫💦😆🪖. So the city
Emoji Face in Horror
Clown Faces had to be renamed. Interestingly, the army could only be
successful if it consisted only of voluntary and motivated soldiers.
After the event, with the water gun the army of Emoji was
significantly reduced on the First Horror Clowns command. He had only
the best in the army. So were around 48,988 Emojis voluntarily in the
army. They were successful. They could sink the Easter Eggs in the
Yellow Sea. This celebrated the army as their greatest success in the
history. Back then drowned several Easter Eggs. They came along with
the Egoists from the Mars to conquer territory. Later, after the
conflict with the Egoists tried Allergies attack the capital city
Emoji SMS. At that
time the army still small (around 46,856 soldiers). Allergies were
quickly after only 286 minutes defeated by the army of Emoji. This
time it was without the support of Horror Clowns. Of course, the army
of Emoji could benefit from a very good training in the Circus
Country. Later the army for a long time remained fairly unemployed.
Only when the power of addiction poisonous king
Poisonous Snake from
the Salted Cucumbers grew so strong that he took the city Emoji Pop
days ago about 777 aircraft. This led to a crisis meeting in the
Parliament of Emoji. 🤣🧂🥒🍉❌️💡🍉🚯😦🚯😁🔫🍅. But Emojis decided to
produce tomato juice. They enjoyed their self-produced juices.
Emoji stories Horror Clown Short Stories
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