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Which minimum quality of a thing is assumed in Emoji?

After an Emoji among the present lawyers complained to the bad quality of the drink, all Emojis were agreed about the next subject. A lawyer from Emoji Meaning with stingy roots from the Jupiter wanted to recommend the middle quality as a minimum quality. Another Emoji wanted to attach the minimum quality at more than 40 percent. That is in this case the quality would be light among the middle. However, the majority of the Emojis wanted to accept good quality for food and electronic devices as a minimum condition. A lawyer wanted to present his story from his experience to the occupational colleagues: I lived for some time on the planet earth in a confidential country.
There I bought a television set of a popular company. Before I came back to Emoji, I wanted to resell the device. 3️⃣ 🦹➕ 1️⃣ 🔎 👤👩⬅️💵👤👩⬅️🩸. A retired judge said that should be distinguished with the thing between old things and new products. Thereon agreed Emojis on the following points:
§ With new things the quality must be at least good. With old things the middle quality may be never undershort. For certain branches especially hard regulations are given.
Offence against this law is punished quite hard by the uppermost court of Emoji.
When misers from the Jupiter got the last sentence to their ears, their hair from nervousness started to dance.
Suddenly somebody knocked at the door. 3️⃣ ➕👤👩🔍️❌️4️⃣ . An alien from the Mercury bought an old wooden chair with a farmer in Middle Finger Emoji.
After some time the buyer complained of the fact that from the chair several real branches grew. I as a defender had to represent the buyer in court. 3️⃣7️⃣ 👨‍⚖️➕👨‍⚖️👤📖🏛️. 👗🦳🕴️, ⬇️🛋️ ↗️➕2️⃣ 👤👩⬅️. 🛑👤👩🔍️🩸👤👩⬅️👪️🚪⬆️.
Thus other three Emojis agreed on the fact that the debtor should perform an added value by other achievements like work or other activities for them. The reason was that the Emoji would hardly pay back the debts in monetary form in his life. Thus the debtor did several works for the settlement of his debts with the Emojis.
At this time applauded many misers from the Jupiter who specially came to Emoji because of the legislation. The applause was so loud that lawyers had to alarm the army of the Emojis. Thereon misers from the Jupiter had to minimise their applause with the volume clearly.
A lawyer from Heart Eyes Emoji said: But the law must be regulated however, thus that some creditors can be preferred. Thereon the lawyers agreed above all on the following principle:
§ The first creditor or the first creditors have priority. This is no matter whether the creditor knew the present debts of the debtor.
With this law Emojis wanted to strengthen the responsibility of the creditors by the prevention of other indebtedness. 1️⃣1️⃣ 2️⃣0️⃣ 🔍️ 👩3️⃣ 9️⃣ ➕1️⃣ 2️⃣ . Finally, they wanted to be able to fill their stinginess at the expenses of the Emojis.
At that time the lawyers on the following sentence agreed:
§ The interest on a debt can be raised only by delay of the repayment of a debt. (Warpage interest). The interest amounts at most to two percent per year. The formula for the calculation of the warpage interest: (Debt*2 / 100) +debt = repayment with the warpage interest per year. To warpage interest for shorter time are calculated in Emoji so: [Debt*number of days / 365 or 366 (leap years) *2/100] +debt = amount liable to payment
Can Emojis and other inhabitants of the kingdom Emoji require to interest for the lending?
This question and the discussion in this area interested not only misers from the Jupiter, but also aliens from the Saturn exactly wanted to pursue the output of this conversation.
An Emoji with Jupiter's roots wanted to let here absolutely anchor an interest legally. 🦣-⚖️➕ 👤👩😀👤👩⬅️,🗣️🏛️.
After long discussion several Emojis and aliens from Kepler-47 stormed to the room of the lawyers. They would shout: Never in the life the law book of the Emojis should protect unwarranted enrichment of the misers!!
After this event lawyers feared riots in completely Emoji. So the interest was officially forbidden for loans. The inferior advocates of the payment of interest left the room in protest. Outdoors mourning misers from the Jupiter waited for them. Saturn threatened even with the declaration of war. In spite of the disappointment of the supporters of the interest the following law was accepted by all Emojis:
§ The payment of interest for the loan with the purpose of the unwarranted enrichment is prohibited in the kingdom Emoji. The sales of the money for more money are forbidden.
Every offence against this law can be punished with prison sentences up to 2888 days.
With that misers from the Jupiter and aliens from the Saturn buried their enrichment dreams in the cemetery of the stinginess.
Then a lawyer wrote the following question on the chalkboard:
👤👩⬅️💬🤝➕👤👩⬅️"☀️"🔙🛠️➕ ⏱️ 👦💕 ➕. No matter whether the residence of the creditor had changed in the interim. Besides, the residence must be compelling in Emoji. The same regulations are valid for international cases. Exception: The creditor is abroad. In this case international agreements are valid between the states.
§ With property debts the place of fulfillment is the place of the completion of the contract of both contracting parties. With special cases a court of Emoji can appoint another place of fulfillment.
Must the debtor search a creditor in completely Emoji for the fulfilment of his debt?
A concerned Emoji asked this the other lawyers. Thereon said a former judge:
👨‍⚖️✋⬇️ 📅 2️⃣0️⃣ 🥫3️⃣ 📅. Then there came two Emojis and required an advertising break. Lawyers looked at the both with strange looks.
After long work lawyers decided to drink an apple juice. Both Emojis delivered the desired drink to them.

How does the court react in Emoji with a success by unwarranted enrichment?

Story: How does the court react in Emoji with a success by unwarranted enrichment?

When must Emojis fulfil the contract?

Story: When must Emojis fulfil the contract?



Any suggestions?  




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