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How stingy Emojis earned their money on the stock exchange 9167 days ago

While some Emojis still mourned the death of the last Horror Clowns, other Emojis tried to use this unsafe time for new possibilities of the moneymaking. One day several employees of the censorship authority from Laughing Emoji had more than enough of their activity as overseers of the most confidential laughing formula of the country. After the election of the first dictator the financial situation intensified of these Emojis. They noticed that many traders raised their prices every day by 0.10 Bitcoins. 😳➕⬇️➕1️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ ⏱️🚾 most famous laughing formula of Emoji at once. On account of complicated laws of the gathered lawyers they planned an adventurous common disappearance from their hometown. By this second an alien from the Saturn practiced a new computer language in a continuing education course in Pluto.
➡️👥💲2️⃣4️⃣9️⃣9️⃣ 3️⃣ ➕2️⃣  1️⃣8️⃣➕🏷️➡️👤💘👁️. The student chose discontented employees of the censorship authority and a lawyer from Middle Finger Emoji who waved in his hometown regularly to the inhabitants of the town by his famous journeys with the donkey. The professor asked the student: Which qualities did these Emojis lack, so that they would form their life more contently?
The information scientist from the Saturn had to click on every single Emoji. He perused all qualities of all Emojis. He noticed that these Emojis lacked a very growing stinginess. Thus he said the professor Lib. 🥳➕🪥⬆️*️⃣➕*️⃣ . 3️⃣ 🏷️🧄➕🥰🔴🌶️🤖⤵️➕🏷️, 📛🤑⚫️🌶️+👤👩📐🦐🧑‍💼🏷️🏠️➕🧒.➡️👥💲🔟+🧑1️⃣9️⃣ 🫀🪥🍺, 🎳🧑‍💼. 🧓⏱️🗄️➡️👤👀🫀🤑 2️⃣ 🗄️4️⃣ 🗄️➕❤️🗄️. The stinginess of the Emojis slowly started to grow when they found out how emigrants earned their money on the stock exchange. By this second the informatics student organised several demonstrations against the censorship authority of Laughing Emoji.

That's why foreign employees were asked not to appear to the work. Instead, the city administration transferred 50 Bitcoins to closed employees. At this time interested Emojis started to invest their money on the stock exchange. They bought several shares at the beginning. 🤣🛒➡️👥, 🔝🌝🤑🗄️. 💯💰2️⃣🗄️4️⃣🔎➕🗄️. In Emoji they noticed how rich they became, actually, on the Jupiter's stock exchange for relations Emojis. That's why they decided to apply their strategies on the stock exchange of Emoji Meaning. These Emojis became addicted in this kind of investment on the stock exchange. 🤣🛒➡️👥, 🔝🌝🗄️. 💯2️⃣🗄️4️⃣🔎➕🗄️. The failures accepted their old life as overseers of the laughing formula. At least, they might hear every morning several jokes on the radio. A research team from Emoji List wanted to examine the success of the financial jugglers mathematically. 👥🗄️🛃😘🗄️🔎. 📚️➕🤘📔🧥➕🛰️. 🔂➕🛒😁. Among them were many famous Emojis and the first dictator. The journalist copied the list and published this in his newspaper. His chief editor praised him. The first dictator was strongly criticized. Finally, the ruler of Emoji should concentrate himself on his work better. After this criticism the first dictator had to deal secretly with the stock exchange trading. For this purpose he organized a special team at the expenses of Emojis.


What was the first Emoji?

Story: What was the first Emoji?

Why young Emojis wished a mini joint-stock company

Story: Why young Emojis wished a mini joint-stock company



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