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The adventures of the first dictator and the Minister of Finance in the black hole

While both high-ranking Emojis disappeared, both deputies had to assume their offices. In the interim the nervous programmer tried to find both Emojis by a virus programme in Neptune. Both Emojis on the table of a ruler of the planet Earth were laid by the application of this programme during a big war among his books. The affected ruler wanted to know in his office more about the qualities of the problematic war leader. Thus he took these books in his hands. Suddenly both Emojis fell on his pocket calculator. 👤👩🥽🚿👉️🕳👌👤💥👩🧬👤🎆👩➕👤😱🍑👩⬅️👤. ➡️👤💬👥⬅️🤔💔➡️👀➕🪐👤👩😴👤💌👩🙏. The Saturn's dictator planned just an air attack on the city of Emoji Keyboard. 👤👩⬅️🪐✋👨‍🍳. An attack on Emoji was thereby prevented. The first dictator and the Minister of Finance had big pride that they could prevent a big air attack on their native country by their presence. 🎭️❌️🪐👤💩👩❌️👨‍🍳. 💍➕👾👤👩🔜. ➡️👤💡🎭️🎥👤👩⬅️. ➡️👤💡👤👩👤💔👩⬅️😀, although he himself came from the people of the Poop Emojis who supported to the food revolutionaries at that time with the invasion in Poop Emoji. The first dictator had, in the meantime, enough of all present adventures. He shouted completely loudly: "I want back to my job as a dictator of Emoji!"
The Minister of Finance said that he also missed his tax authority already very strongly. By this second expected Emojis to themselves that the deputies would cancel the introduction of the general tax duty. For this purpose several famous Emojis appealed above all in cities like Emoji Meanings for forbidding the tax return and the tax duty automatically. Fans of ketchup enterpriser Devil Emoji tried to motivate him to take the state dictatorship at once.
For this purpose organised above all Saturn's Emojis a big demonstration in Crying Laughing Emoji. Some Emojis wanted to demonstrate for independence of their towns of the dictatorial state. 🔴🎏👤📖⏱️. 👤👨⬅️🎼🎧️➕✈🔉. They flew over the yellow sea by Japanese Emoji. While most areas hardly followed the flying saucer, Emojis made the unidentified flying object in Alien Emoji make a forced landing. When both apparently famous Emojis left the flying saucer, they expected big applause on the part of the local Emojis. 🐒🎻❌️🛠️➕👽❓️❤️➡️👤❓️➡️🤕➡️👤. 🧐🔮👤👩➡️🥲👂️1️⃣ 👥🔂."
Avoid liked the history of the future of his native country. From his view these events were future. From the point of view of his interlocutors these events were for a long time in the history books. In spite of this interesting conversation both Emojis from the black hole could not return to their time zone.

Presentation of the first tax return the Emojis by the Minister of Finance

Story: Presentation of the first tax return the Emojis by the Minister of Finance

Continuation of the adventures of the first dictator and the Minister of Finance in the black hole

Story: Continuation of the adventures of the first dictator and the Minister of Finance in the black hole



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