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Emoji Copy Paste

This is the story about the town. For different Emojis see: Emoji Dictionary or to Copy and paste every Emoji, other version: Copy and paste Emoji vertical version. Emoji Copy Paste is the northern town of Emoji. The town is valid as the most northern biggest town of the kingdom. In this town many different inhabitants from the whole galaxy lived. Archaeologists and historians find every seventh Tuesday new archaeological findings. For Emojis and other inhabitants of the kingdom it is unclear, why the progress can be achieved only on Tuesdays.

👮 👴 💂

Many members of the opposition of the historians accuse the censorship authority. Finally, still there lasts long time, until new findings may be published in all press releases. The town belonged to the most important ones of the time of the Emoji Circus.

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 Emoji Copy Paste



History of Emoji Copy Paste

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2,027,575 days ago several beavers lived in this area. They settled the whole area of the today's Emoji Copy Paste. They built several hills in this area. According to information of the zoologists they were very diligently at this time. 1,461,460 days ago the town was taken by the arch-enemies. They began the hunt. They hunted above all the present inhabitants.


Emoji Copy Paste under Emoji Circus

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410,990 days ago the first Jugglers and Emojis came to the area. In addition there came several Clowns from the Circus area. They started to attack with arrow and curve the Generous. The Emojis were very mighty at this time and had no fear of the Generous. Under the guidance of the Emojis were forced all Generous with arrows and curves successfully to the defeat. Generous had to laugh nothing.👤😁👨👀➡️🎃🖼️👤👼🏼➡️💥💩.

Emoji Copy Paste under emperor 8 Emoji

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362,080 days ago the inhabitants appointed 8 Emoji as an urban emperor. At that time he had to build several houses from papyrus. He had to import papyrus from other countries. Thus he and several his followers were on the way during nearly 888 days. At that time he had to go with the horses and donkeys on the search for papyrus. Later he ordered the local plantation of papyrus in Emoji Copy Paste. 😃👬❌️➡️📛❌️👤➕🐂🐄❤️🖼️👀🍎🖤👑👩❄️⚪️⬅️👤🎁👩🐗🐅🐕⬅️❤️. At the age of 24099 days the emperor 8 Emoji died as a result of the strong disappointment.

Emoji Copy Paste under Gingerbread

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283,606 days ago several Gingerbreads from the other north of the planet Halloween came to Emoji Copy Paste. 🦰🍞1️⃣ 👤😯⬅️🐝➕👤🛠️⬅️💆‍♀️🧓📐👤🐘👨⬅️👨🦰🍞❌️👤⬅️🙄. Under big fear of death realized beekeepers 186,880 days ago that the Circus could strongly increase in military strength. Thus Emoji Copy Paste was resigned to the Circus.

Emoji Copy Paste under Circus

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After the victory against the beekeepers several long walls were built in the town. The ruling Clowns ordered this in writing and orally. Gingerbreads could not give up yet the town. That's why they began regularly every Monday a new war. Every Wednesday they had to take their defeats home.

182,865 days ago the uppermost Clown signed the last bureaucratic document for the entry to the Circus. 🎪➡️🎄👤🔥➡️🔝🤡✌🤍🔙🦣👤♂️➡️😷💄👤.

After his examination the Neptune's doctor was released. He received the official working approval from the uppermost Clown. 71540 days ago many Emojis died in Emoji Copy Paste because of the electric pandemic. Thus Re Lax remained the only doctor in the town. At that time he visited Middle Finger Emoji. There the media entrepreneur Tycoon interviewed him for his newspaper. Later both extraterrestrials became good friends. 😱🤡🥫➡️🎬️👤⏱️➡️🌟👤🔝🦺. ➡️🍑👤🥫📷🖨👪️🛹⬆️⏱️📅➕💾➡️🖕🧮👤🏃‍♂️➕🎥. 35040 days ago the doctor Re Lax celebrated his 58400 life days. Among the guests was his friend from Middle Finger Emoji. They ate several fruits. Suddenly the First Horror Clown came to the space.

Emoji Copy Paste under Circus Union

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The First Horror Clown wanted to know what was celebrated here so haughtily. Scary Clown calmed his colleague. He said that here the birthday of the health minister was celebrated. Thereon shouted the town dictator: Where from do you know this?

👤➕🤪➡️😱🤡🏞️❌️🛑🏃‍♂️👤📖1️⃣5️⃣❤️. 🎃🤡➡️💥😷👤🤫➡️🍅🤠🔙🔉➕➡️⚡️👤🤭🥫. After the death of the last Horror Clown several Emojis had to prepare the red carpet for the elective dictator of Emoji. The other action became then juridical obligingly censored.

Urban Symbols

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The courageous Emojis were so proud of their town that they wanted to invent a flag, a coat of arms and hymn for Emoji Copy Paste. They also did this.

2222 days ago inhabitants of the town wanted to develop their identity with a local hymn. Who enters as a foreign tourist in the town, gets first of all the urban hymn to hear.

The uppermost person responsible decided this for tourism questions in Emoji Copy Paste. The suitable law was accepted by all local parliamentarians without blackballing. The town dictator Af Lax signed this law even with both hands in all important daytime.

Geography and population

🌈 Geography and Weather

According to information of meteorologists the winter mostly experiences temperatures between +1 and -11. In summer the average temperatures amount in July +18. It becomes seldom warmer. All the other information to the climate is protected by the corporation for the enrichment of the meteorologists with several signs hard armed. Who would like to know something more, must contribute of course to the increase of the dividend of the stockholders of the enterprise.

At the official command of the town dictator several mathematicians had to count the population 286 days ago. At that time the number of registered inhabitants reached the number 291,642. This number was informed in all mass media on that day.

Further information about the town is intensely exactly checked in the department of the censorship authority to the release. Up to now no further information from the town may be spread in the wide world. For the check work about 4678 Emojis and other aliens.


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