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In an early morning
Emojis began their preparations for the traditional celebration
to honour of their home planet Halloween nationally. At least,
importers from Ceres also sent the suitable masks. A lot of Emojis
dressed above all as Horror Clowns of the former Circus Union. The
death of the last Horror Clowns strongly influenced the inhabitants
this year. That's why above all older Emojis wanted to wear the masks
with the face of the First Horror Clowns. Even the uppermost tax
collector from Poop
Emoji had an especially good idea in his stingy brain. He bought
nearly 666 Horrors Clown masks at the expenses of the Emoji Poops.
🏃➕🥡🍽️👨🍳. Among the Emojis this subject was the most-discussed
in the whole kingdom
Also serious lawyers began their working day with this subject.
A defender from
Emoji Art got ostentatiously a calendar from his backpack and
showed the today's date quite proudly with his ten fingers. He went to
each of his colleagues and pointed at 31st of October. Several angry
Emojis said, why they appeared today generally to the work. Finally,
every decent Emoji would have to prepare for the big party to honour
of Halloween.
In spite of their annoyance a former notary public calmed his
colleagues: Today we finish our work exceptionally earlier. A young
assistance lawyer from
Emoji wrote the following sentence on the chalkboard:
🔜✋🍾➡️📡🧼🛠️*️⃣➕*️⃣ 🥘📡🍰🍽️. Among the rest, other reasons for the
notice are: Wrong personality in the wrong job. A failed communication
among the employees.
Thereon a public prosecutor from
Finger Emoji got up and pointed with his middle finger of his
left hand at a poster with the concept employee. He urgently wanted to
express himself about the lawful reasons of a notice without financial
results for the employee. Quite independently the public prosecutor
got the law book of his place and wrote the following sentence:
§ 😂⚙️💬. ➡️👤🦥➡️👤🌊🧹⚫️🌊🍾🛠️🌊😝🪥➡️👤👀.
When stingy politicians from
Meaning heard this law friendly to employee, they tightened
quite immediately two Horrors Clown masks successively on their face.
🪥🌊🪥🥫➕🍾🆕. 🤘➕🍃➕🪥🛠️➕🧹➕💩. So a stingy defender wrote the
following sentence in the code of the kingdom Emoji:
§ The judge can be contacted any time by a contracting party for the
contesting of the notice in his job.
Which results does the unwarranted resolution of the employment
contract have for the contracting parties?
Emojis and alien from the Neptune wanted to know this. The specified
professional lawyer for legal issues of the employment contract in
Crying Laughing Emoji answered: 🏃♂️⬆️➕🤔➕🧬.
After the hearing of these opinions Emojis decided an unlimited prison
sentence for heavy offence against the employment contract and all
laws in this connection.
A religious defender from
Eyes Emoji did not accept this unlimitation of the punishing. He
said: The maximum penalty for offence against the laws of the
employment contract and other regulations should be limited to at most
6666 days. That's why Emojis began a small vote about this proposal of
the religious Emoji. ⚙️➕🗑️🛒➕➡️👤☔️🔥🌡️🌊➕🔥🛒➕👫🪥. Also a lawyer
friendly to employer countered: Lazy attacks on the part of employees
are not permitted. After this sentence several Emojis tightened Horror
Clown masks. Then they took stinking eggs and pelted the building of
the gathered lawyers.
What happens in the death of the employee or employer in Emoji?
A clown from
Emoji Clown wanted to know this. Good question and suitably to
Halloween, said a notary public. At the same time he explained what
happens in this case: 💯☎️🪥💡⚙️➕⏱️➡️👤😷⤵️.
🥇👀➕⬇️🧽⤵️💆♀️➕1️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ ☎️. That's why they finished their
discussion. Then all present lawyers left the building. Later they
prepared for the big party. Outdoors Emojis went disguised on all
streets of the kingdom. Remarkably in this autumn it was: Nearly 67
percent of the Emojis dressed as a historical Horror Clowns of the
former Circus Union. With it the statistics office for Halloween
registered a new record in Horror Clowns among the Emojis of all
Notice of the working contract in Emoji and professional kidnapping in the gallery of the judge
Halloween party of the Emojis and serious work of the lawyers on the legislation
Emoji stories Short Stories Horror Clown
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