⚘ Blossom

⚘- Blossom, synonym of 🌼 flower
After the independence from Circus Union celebrated the former countries the victory against Egoists from Mars with the ⚘ blossom symbol. Some parents believe that ⚘ blossom has a positive influence on children. Because of that they give them a ⚘ blossom from paper.
In communication use especially parents this symbol.
The most average Emojis use this symbol as alternative for 🌼 flower.



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Unicode:  ⚘


💐 Flower Bouquet


💮 White Flower


5 Days Flower


5 Sided Flower




Six Sided Flower


Reversed Rotated Floral Heart Bullet


🏵 Rosette


🥀 Wilted Flower

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