Music Emojis- The list of all meanings and definitions

On this site it's all about music. 

🎵 Musical Note


🎶 Musical Notes


🎼 Musical Score


Quarter Note


Eighth Note


Beamed Eighth Notes


Beamed Sixteenth Notes


Music Flat Sign


Music Natural Sign


Music Sharp Sign


🎤 Microphone


🎷 Saxophone


🎸 Guitar


🎹 Musical Keyboard


🎺 Trumpet


🎻 Violin


📯 Postal Horn


🥁 Drum


🎙 Studio Microphone


🎚 Level Slider


🎛 Control Knobs


🪕 Banjo


🪗 Accordion


🪘 Long Drum


🪇 Maracas


🪈 Flute


🪉 Harp

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