👂🏿 Ear: Dark Skin Tone

👂🏿- Ear
On a Monday a farmer discovered on his field the shape of an 👂🏿 Ear in the middle it was colored dark. The Emoji wanted to know who destroyed his field.
For this purpose he ordered researchers. They came with their tools and tried to find an answer. Their results made headlines nationwide:
Those Emojis accused the uppermost Egoist from ♂ Mars who retaliated after the greatest defeat in the war.
After successfully passing the final exam, the future judge received a pastry in the shape of an 👂🏿 Ear: with Dark Skin Tone from his parents.
2999 days ago archaeologists reported that they found in the 📝 Memo of the Bald Emoji a story about a real 👂🏿 Ear: Dark Skin Tone that appeared on the vending machine in the garage. At that time Emojis couldn't pay. All mass media told about this event in the medical city of Heart Emoji.
In communication use Earthlings this symbol in connection with an ear with dark skin tone.


Ear: Dark Skin Tone

Copy and paste Ear: Dark Skin Tone


Unicode:  👂🏿


For comparison how different 👂🏿 Ear: Dark Skin Tone looks on:

Apple iOS, Google Android, Facebook, Microsoft Windows, Twitter, JoyPixels, Samsung


Ear: Dark Skin Tone on Apple iOS


Ear: Dark Skin Tone on Google Android


Ear: Dark Skin Tone on Facebook


Ear: Dark Skin Tone on Microsoft Windows


Ear: Dark Skin Tone on Twitter Twemoji


Ear: Dark Skin Tone on JoyPixels


Ear: Dark Skin Tone on Samsung



👂 Ear


👂🏻 Ear: Light Skin Tone


👂🏼 Ear: Medium-Light Skin Tone


👂🏽 Ear: Medium Skin Tone


👂🏾 Ear: Medium-Dark Skin Tone


🦻 Ear With Hearing Aid

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