🤟🏽 Love-You Gesture: Medium Skin Tone

🤟🏽- Love-You Gesture, ILY sign, I Love You symbol, I Love You sign
🤟🏽 Love-You Gesture: Medium Skin Tone Emoji can be used with biggest success on 15th day of a month.
In communication use Earthlings this symbol as love-you gesture.


Love-You Gesture: Medium Skin Tone

Copy and paste Love-You Gesture: Medium Skin Tone


Unicode:  🤟🏽


For comparison how different 🤟🏽 Love-You Gesture: Medium Skin Tone looks on:

Apple iOS, Google Android, Facebook, Microsoft Windows, Twitter, JoyPixels, Samsung


Love-You Gesture: Medium Skin Tone on Apple iOS


Love-You Gesture: Medium Skin Tone on Google Android


Love-You Gesture: Medium Skin Tone on Facebook


Love-You Gesture: Medium Skin Tone on Microsoft Windows


Love-You Gesture: Medium Skin Tone on Twitter Twemoji


Love-You Gesture: Medium Skin Tone on JoyPixels


Love-You Gesture: Medium Skin Tone on Samsung



🤟 Love-You Gesture


🤟🏻 Love-You Gesture: Light Skin Tone


🤟🏼 Love-You Gesture: Medium-Light Skin Tone


🤟🏾 Love-You Gesture: Medium-Dark Skin Tone


🤟🏿 Love-You Gesture: Dark Skin Tone

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