🧑🏽‍🎄 Mx Claus: Medium Skin Tone

🧑🏽‍🎄- Mx Claus, gender free Claus, male: 🎅, female: 🤶
The 🧑🏽‍🎄 Mx Claus: Medium Skin Tone Emoji includes 🧑🏽 Person: Medium Skin Tone and
🎄 Christmas Tree as visible Emoji symbols.
In communication use Emojis this symbol for Mx Claus medium skin tone.

🧑🏽‍🎄 Mx Claus: Medium Skin Tone is one of new Emojis in 2020. It has 5 versions of skin tones.


Mx Claus: Medium Skin Tone

Copy and paste Mx Claus: Medium Skin Tone


Unicode:  🧑🏽‍



For comparison how different 🧑🏽‍🎄 Mx Claus: Medium Skin Tone looks on:

Apple iOS, Google Android, Facebook, Microsoft Windows, Twitter, JoyPixels, Samsung


Mx Claus: Medium Skin Tone on Apple iOS


Mx Claus: Medium Skin Tone on Google Android


Mx Claus: Medium Skin Tone on Facebook


Mx Claus: Medium Skin Tone on Microsoft Windows


Mx Claus: Medium Skin Tone on Twitter Twemoji


Mx Claus: Medium Skin Tone on JoyPixels


Mx Claus: Medium Skin Tone on Samsung



🧑‍🎄 Mx Claus


🧑🏻‍🎄 Mx Claus: Light Skin Tone


🧑🏼‍🎄 Mx Claus: Medium-Light Skin Tone


🧑🏾‍🎄 Mx Claus: Medium-Dark Skin Tone


🧑🏿‍🎄 Mx Claus: Dark Skin Tone

More Modifiers Emojis

👂🏻 Modifiers


Other Humans

🎅 Santa Claus


🤶 Mrs. Claus


💂 Guardsman


👷 Laborer 


👲 Man with Gua Pi Mao


🥷 Ninja


🫂 People Hugging

More Human Emojis

👫 Human

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