👌🏻 OK Hand: Light Skin Tone

👌🏻- OK Hand, vending machine: Confirmation of the successful procedure
On a Thursday the former 🕵 Detective wanted to fly to North ♄ Saturn. In the station the Emoji wanted to buy a ticket to the airport in the vending machine.
During the purchase, a 👌🏻 OK hand: with Light Skin Tone appeared on the screen. After 404 seconds a voice thanked for buying the most expensive ticket.
The Emoji reacted 😦 Irritating. He forgot almost his ticket. The Light Skin Tone 👌🏻 OK hand called Emoji to return.
After he took his ticket, the 👌🏻 changed its color to 👌🏼 OK Hand: Medium-Light Skin Tone.
In communication use Emojis this symbol in their vending machines as sign for confirmation of the successful procedure.


OK Hand: Light Skin Tone

Copy and paste OK Hand: Light Skin Tone


Unicode:  👌🏻


For comparison how different 👌🏻 OK Hand: Light Skin Tone looks on:

Apple iOS, Google Android, Facebook, Microsoft Windows, Twitter, JoyPixels, Samsung


OK Hand: Light Skin Tone on Apple iOS


OK Hand: Light Skin Tone on Google Android


OK Hand: Light Skin Tone on Facebook


OK Hand: Light Skin Tone on Microsoft Windows


OK Hand: Light Skin Tone on Twitter Twemoji


OK Hand: Light Skin Tone on JoyPixels


OK Hand: Light Skin Tone on Samsung



👌 OK Gesture


👌🏼 OK Hand: Medium-Light Skin Tone


👌🏽 OK Hand: Medium Skin Tone


👌🏾 OK Hand: Medium-Dark Skin Tone


👌🏿 OK Hand: Dark Skin Tone

Other Body Parts

👋 Hand


👍 Thumbs Up


👎 Thumbs Down


👏 Applause

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